
Best Chicago dog I’ve ever had is in O’Hare Airport, at a tiny bar called Rush Street. It is a blink-and-you-miss-it spot, but they have a few good beers on tap, it is relatively easy to find (if you know it is there), and has a really good Chicago dog (which I know has as much to do with the when where how and why as

This is by far the major reason. I know MANY virtually “dry” young adulta who smoke pot daily. Back in the day when pot was not able to be bought at a corner dispensary you drank more amd amoked some. Now you can skip a hangover and get blitzed for far less money (and calories)

Went last month for was $20 for a bucket (the big one, to be fair, but still).  Typical chain theater, one of the nicer ones with electric reclining seats, a bar, full food service. But still...ripoff. 

I’ve begun to eat out less often but better - spend more money when I do go out, and less of the mediocre “easier than cooking” eating out.  I enjoy it a whole lot more too - it is once again a special occasion to go out to eat.  For a while I ate out three or four times a week, but you could do that for $80 with

Not tipping for bad service may be your choice, but not tipping because the food is bad hurts the wrong people (especially if you don’t say anything and give the server a chance to fix it). 

How about the fact that fast-food workers in particular saw some of the highest (by percentage) increases in income, as well as increasing respect for the hard work they do? While there are ample examples of the opposite (they make great headlines after all) the reality is this sector of industry saw comparably large

I don’t really care about the customers (though there are definitely some “People of Wal-Mart”) it’s the third-tier products, poor service, cleanliness and other intangibles that keep me away.

I recently had the “experience” of Universal Studios...never again.  I’ve avoided these types of places because I hate long lines for what is inevitably a letdown.  I cannot imagine doing this for a hamburger. I mean, do what you want with your free time...but damn, don’t you have some fulfilling hobbies or interests?

I was going to post that...strong work! 

This seems like a not-understanding-your-shopper-demographic move. In a Target? Sure. Wal-Mart and raw fish?

This truly is the only answer.  Popcorn at $20 a bucket is robbery at best...and while I DEFINITELY sneak in candy and beer or wine (depending on the sophistication of the movie haha) I always get the popcorn. 

Gee thanks - didn’t realize a bulk pack of Costco highly-processed dogshit breakfast sandwiches meant that much to you. Is you last name Jimmy Dean? This is a good website - it’s an opinion. I didn’t insult anyone or anything except for mediocre frozen Costco breakfasts.

I question the "...really good..." part.  Like, a lot.  Adequate, maybe.  But definitely not really good.

Or....the ones with a fully developed work ethic than still show up 5 minutes early with their breakfast sandwich.

I bet you eat at Olive Garden a lot...

That’s the difference between fine dining (which can reach the level of artistry) and “regular” dining (which you can do much more often). I would not dare alter a dish at a true fine-dining restaurant because I know that dish took days or weeks to create, each ingredient thought-out, sourced, and balanced off of the

Snack costs...there is a REASON most large theaters have a Five Below very, it is ridiculously easy to bring in drinks and beer.

I’ve been to one theater, been a while, Arlington Cinema and Brewhouse outside DC that did not completely douse the lights, making it possible to eat.  They also had cocktail tables.  Reclining with a plate of pasta in the dark...yeah...not good hahaha

I LOVE a long movie - linger the better.  3 hours is often not enough time to tell a story well.  I know attwntion spans have dropped but an epic movie needs to be....epic. that takes time.  

My problem is you cannot see what you are forking eating...stabbing blindly hoping to get a reasonable chunk of something that won’t land on your shirt. Finger foods, even messy ones, beat something that requires utensils.