
If all of the law-abiding gun owners in this country were non-white Muslims, and a subset of them were using these kind of high-power rifles to execute white infidels several times per year, we would already live under a perpetual martial law with curfew and the U.S. armed forces would be going door to door disarming

In that case, Santa, all I want for Christmas is for you to to put a bullet through your ‘No True Klansman’ skull.

Suspended.  Twitter and Facebook.  Covering up for hate crimes since forever.

Two Gorka One Cup

You’ll be counting the number of your teeth you shit out, pussy.

Thanks for proving my point with 3 posts all in short succession peppered with exactly the kind of overwrought importunity I am talking about

What comes around goes around, you white nationalist piece of shit.

You might have point if she were in college, or even 25 or 30 when she changed. But 55? Nope. I smell someone who saw an opportunity to better sell her Wall St./Banking wonkery (which she seemed to be dead-ending with in the G.O.P.), and not someone who has changed any of her core beliefs. Not at that age.  I hope I

Hey, I am totally willing to let the Confederate States of America secede retroactively. All federal monies paid to any of the states in the CSA, over and above what was paid into federal coffers, are due, in full, and immediately, however.

Have you seen how India and Pakistan interact with each other? It makes Trump look like Benjamin Franklin. I guarantee you that the last thing Pakistan will give a shit about is its reputation on the world stage. They are practically champing at the bit to kill millions of Hindus.

Don’t feed the troll. Satan’s Cry’s definition of extreme (like most sociopaths) is probably “whatever affects me, personally”.

I would have gone with:

Which is why she will be great as Senate Majority Leader under a Sander’s presidency.

By that measure, Warren would be the consummate Republican

I thought she was hot when she ripped Kamayo Harris a new asshole.

They should be deported unless they qualify under some sort of asylum law.  In the mean time they should be treated humanely and with dignity.

Protip:  Soak those tortillas in tequila first.