
Jesus fucking Christ!  So fucking ugly!  I can’t believe it’s not a joke.

I like how the black folks on this site who responded to cdwag14 (other than myself who was lifted out by the response) with their own support of Sanders (and real world examples of black campaign staff) are all in the grays.  Speaks volumes.

This is the story you will never hear from black DNC centrists whose power-broking is subject to white approval and backing.

Killmonger was right.

This. Still more of us black folks working harder than ever for Sanders than all of the other candidates put together. This is the story you will never hear from black DNC centrists whose power-broking is subject to white approval and backing.

Crenshaw is a coward?  I’m shocked. Shocked, I tell you.

PersnicketyPants (Enemy of Trolls) > thlibos

9/20/19 9:06pm

You feel that a story about virulently racist garbage tweets is really about who doesn’t like Sanders? Really? Wow. You really don’t give a fuck about racism, do you?

I am just surprised by how many have been so easily taken in. You’d think after it being pointed out that this could be a lot of false flag bullshit designed to cause infighting and take Sanders out of the picture, that most here would stop for a moment, take a step back, and it least say “Hmmm.” or “You may be on to

The people who are really behind this know that the Bernie haters will latch on to this like a dog with a towel and never let go. They knew this going in. I can’t help but feel that this is about sure what little chance Sanders has to win the nomination gets trashed altogether. That said, I will happily support Warren

Except, it’s on record, in black and white that Biden did contradict himself.  Please refrain from using cognitively dissonant, G.O.P., Orwellian revisionism tactics.

Please don’t vote in your state’s Democratic primary, Gramps. You already gave us Trump by giving us Hitlery 4 years ago. Please don’t “It’s 2016 all over again” us to four more years of Orange Nero.

Yes, I definitely did notice the pearl-clutching coming from the hand-picked audience when Castro tore into him.   On a related, anecdotal note, I don’t know one person (parents, children, co-workers, friends) who thought that Castro was unfair to Biden.  Everyone in my circles though Biden came off weak and stupid. 

Oh, you mean the 70+ year old Jewish man who has historically never even been a Democrat and who was trouncing Shrillary until the primary went down south and progressives got sold out by church-goin black folks?

Keep it up, unhinged Trumpanzees. Every time you go on the attack we just send another check to AOC. Her campaign will have tens of millions of dollars by a year from now. Good luck getting even 20% of the vote in New York’s 14th with all of the money and exposure you are giving her. Please go after Ilhan, Ayanna, and