LOL. Who are you trying to convince? You sound pretty frantic. Biden is done. He won’t campaign past NH after coming in 4th there.
LOL. Who are you trying to convince? You sound pretty frantic. Biden is done. He won’t campaign past NH after coming in 4th there.
I’d like to see the poll questions and how they screened who participated.
Give it up, Buttgiggle. You got no chance.
Ofay is as ofay does, cruff.
Oh, c’mon! No Kamayo Harris? You need to re-enroll in joke college.
You can thank CNN, MSNBC, Faux News, and all the rest of corporate media for that. For normalizing all Trump’s bullshit instead of calling it out and then viewing Trump as legitimate candidate after that. When what they should have been doing is saving democracy by express outrage at everything he said and did.
This is Splinter, not ‘Intersectional Race, Class, and Gender 101' at Cal Berkeley. Should I have phrased my statement that Obama wasn’t racist a lot more directly? Probably...but the distinction between ‘prejudices informed by internalized racism’ vs. racism is lost on almost everyone here, I’m afraid.
The Dreaded Rear Admiral>Pangaean Finds the Human Form Limiting & Outdated
I’d kill for Camacho right about now.
I’m not a Warren fan, but she is going to eat Sleepy Joe’s lunch.
Hey, ‘Badsickety Stance’! Warren, Sanders, Buttigiggle, Bullock, O’Rourke, and Klobuchar all had more speaking time than Delaney. Yes, he’s garbage, but that doesn’t mean you should lie(?) or twist reality to suit your agenda.
LOL. In the world of ‘Wrongsackety Rants’ you are a troll if you correct her (frequent) mistakes.
Calm down, brother. I voted for him too but Obama did a lot of things that were terrible for us.
PersnicketyPants (Vive la Resistance!)>Jack Crosbie
And it has the added benefit of pushing forward the most right-leaning GOP-lite candidates at the same time. I am sure that is just a coincidence, though, and not intentional on the part of our corporate media. Uh huh. Yep.
recognitions>Katherine Krueger