
I approve of this list, except ‘Republican until age 55 and only then because of a minor policy difference’ Warren belongs between “Hillary” and “Foil Wrapped Turd in the sun”. I’d be okay with you putting her immediately to the left of Hillary, I suppose.

Still millions of votes less than a damaged, vilified Shrillary, though. And, it’s true, he was running as a joke. He didn’t want to be president, he was just trying to build his brand. Jokes on the idiots who voted for him. He is very much grinding them under his grifting boot heel when he isn’t opening the

Are you stupid?  Who wouldn’t?  In fact, I’d wager money that she would beat Trump by more than some of the clowns on that stage.

Centrist Democrats....hating the left in their own party more than most vile tea-party trash...since 1992.

Non-Hispanic white, or...?

Every president is racist. Even Obama had a good amount of internalized oppression going on...although, I guess I wouldn’t call that racism, per se.

LOL. Really? The parents and the judge know each other quite well as they belong to the same country club. *Wink*, *Nod*, “Case dismissed!” /gavel bang

In the world where two working parents make over half a mil a year. Big cities and especially their suburbs are literally crawling with these people.

It was age 24 when I was in college 30 years ago.  When was it age 27?

It is counted the first year they apply. What, you think these Richie Rich fucks don’t have a younger sister or cousin or something who only earns a lower middle class income? Hell, I wouldn’t be surprised if some of them paid their maid or gardener a $2000 “bonus” to be the custodian for however many months until

You don’t understand how? Because everyone and their dick would just say they were estranged and then everyone would get aid as if they had almost no income. This seems pretty obvious to me. Not defending it (necessarily) but c’mon. Everyone’s rich parents would be gaming the system instead of just a few of them like

I question whether emancipation is/was enough. You still had to reveal how you are/were being supported, if you weren’t/aren’t using your parents anymore because of emancipation...and, if you can’t demonstrate that you earn enough to support yourself or provide another adult guardian as your supporter, the emancipation

LOL. You underestimate how much more productive and wealthy the U.S. is compared to your non-examples.

This is how the rich become that way to begin fucking over everyone else around them and making society as a whole pay for it.

Supposedly concerned Repubs will turn Trump sychophants, and Dems will cave like the complicit house of wet cards that they are at his nomination hearing. Expect this completely psychotic clown to be head of intelligence by this time next month.

Yeah, I used to be a fan of parody and satire, but the lunatic right is so off the fucking rails, that parody and satire is just writing their lies for them at this point.

Now playing

The Democratic Party ought to be Fairsley Foods from “Mr. Show” and run an ad that “responds” to the Trump ad in that way. Unfortunately, I feel like the Dems will be Gibbons Market just like they always are :

It’s not baffling, it’s ‘tribe loyalty >>> everything else’ and it’s the hallmark of idiots. Even the so-called “run of the mill” or “centrist” conservatives you are talking to like this are morons. It’s a pretty easy identifier. Most of them I’ve come across are like this too, whether a raving, fringe right lunatic,

Oooh, can we get one of those fake news acid and cement filled milkshakes thrown, please.