
Yes, that’s better.

Shush now with your fake news.

Bullshit. More of us would have turned out for Clinton last time if what you say were true. I couldn’t stand her, but showed up to the polls, voted for her, and then vomited.

Whenever I look at pictures like this my mind is drawn to think about tactical nukes for some reason.

Democratic “centrists” big problem with this ad will be that they are saying Sanders is the same as Biden.

Well, we don’t have the means to do so on many levels. Otherwise, re-education camps would be a wonderful idea. Deprogram decades of Faux News, hate radio, prosperity gospel, Party tribe uber alles, etc.

TLDR:  Chika Croissant is a rape apologist.

Sure, but “normal” Republicans (LOLOL) who aren’t a deranged orange slurry of 100% self-adulation, might be concerned about other states following suit or about how this will affect down-ticket races in CA. Hence, they will sue.

Learn to read more carefully. California isn’t changing or amending the
“requirements to be president”, they are changing the requirements to be on the California ballot. Something well within their purview.

While we are at it, let’s make them pass the same USCIS Civics Test that those applying for citizenship must pass.

Hey, lookie here. The candy-corn pussy is still trolling around at Splinter. Tsk, tsk, what would your orange god say...

What really needs to happen is for any purple state to do this.  Somewhere like Nevada, Colorado, or Pennsylviania.

Brought to you by Scott Baio and Kirstie Alley

You mean polling numbers that are better than anyone but Biden’s?

This person of color hopes you are prepared to enjoy Trump for another four years since. G.O.P.-lite, identity-politics sellouts will be the reason for it. You will also be the most incredulous and tearful afterwards.

Sure with joke-enhancing substances any of us made that joke.

I am surprised you Aussie lightweights are even in the Top 10, along with India?