
More likely they would just turn on him and start talking about how he was never actually a conservative or Republican. That he only became a Republican in 2009. “See these pictures of him chumming around with the Clintons?” There’s a treasure trove of “evidence” for this out there already because Trump is actually a

Just take their guns away. 99.9% of them are way to big of a pussy to become violent without their penis extensionsguns

If you though Republicans became unhinged and psychotic about “undoing” anything their rotten brains thought the brown, male president accomplished, just wait until you see how crazy they get trying to undone what they think the brown, female presidents accomplishes.

Fake progressive is fake. Huge surprise. Too bad you morons don’t realize that Harris, Warren, et al are only in the race to guarantee that Sanders can’t get the nomination on the first ballot and that a centrist, corporate whore (male or female) will get the nomination once super-delagates get to add their votes on

She has enough money and connections now,she should have retired and not even run in 2018. That’s what I would have done. That would be my magically negotiated better deal for America if I am Nancy Smellosi

Sounds to me like he is the vile idiot that needs a round.  Maybe after enough of them get rounded, they will stop becoming police officers.

This comment seem to pretty clearly fall under the auspices of the first amendment (there is no imminent threat of lawless action per Brandenburg v. Ohio).

Now this stupid commie bitch is getting good officers fired...

Now this stupid commie bitch is getting good officers fired...


Go fuck yourself, fraudster.

My favorite will be the guy(s) who get a backhoe and literally remove his star and the surrounding stone from it, and keep doing it every time it gets replaced. This orange cumstain needs to be altogether removed from history.

I’m going to bring 30 Central Americans across the border illegally, take them into the nearest emergency room for a checkup, and then give them someone else’s jobs.

LOL. Riiiiight. If he dies of natural causes, I am sure his completely unhinged cultists won’t decide it’s a cover-up of a deep state or liberal assassination job and destabilize the country and make him into a martyr anyway. Nope. Sure won’t.

Bye Felicia!

Yeah, and you’d be wrong. I am not saying we are a majority of LE, just a lot more numerous than you cretins believe, and the ones who will be giving operational orders. We are in a position to control information and to lock things down in order to keep the less savvy rank and file from “taking a sideonce you try

LOL. I actually work in a leadership position in law enforcement. There are many more of us than you think. You might want to consider that before you start your culture/race war under the misapprehension that the left is weak and outnumbered and that you will have no trouble putting us down.