Cue to an interview where Kanye tells us all that he is a-okay with Trump using the word.
Maybe you two willfully ignorant haters should read up on Morgan Harper from another source then. Or, maybe politics is just about cheerleading Team D over Team R for you clowns.
Of course, the MRA, Gamergate, Incel shithole that is 4chan (and most other online message boards for that matter) started fabricating a story like this.
True dat. What we need to do (working on it) is to mobilize our own brothers and sisters to get out vote for the Democratic candidate no matter who it ends up being and no matter how much melanin they have.
We’ll find you alright. There are people around you right now who will out you when the time comes.
Can’t wait to see your head on a pike
There is almost no chance for Dems to take the Senate. They would have to take the seats in Arizona, Colorado, and Maine (doable), and retain the fake Democratic senator in Alabama (difficult), and then take one more seat from other red states (e.g. Georgia, North Carolina, Iowa, Kansas) (very difficult).
Also, sorry for your loss.
Black Panthers needs to become a thing again. A big thing.
We the people should just shoot them both between the eyes and just let God sort them out.
Acosta becoming Labor secretary has absolutely nothing to do with him letting Epstein off the hook 10 years ago. Nope, nothing at all. Move along...
Jerry Remy is human fucking is his entire fucking felonious family.
The Dreaded Rear AdmiralRafi Schwartz
How about we prosecute both pieces of shit then? Oh, you are just excusing child rape when it’s “your side” doing it? Carry on then, kiddie diddler.
Thatsa some weaka tomato sauca...4/10
Just make sure to concrete and acid them up, first. Oh shit! Cat’s outta the bag now.
Dox em if you can. Then we make their lives (and the lives of their families and other support networks) a living hell.