
The Last Jedi is a deconstruction of myth. Much of what was established in the previous films gets taken apart, broken even, in order to tell a different kind of story. It’s that approach of deliberately turning something on its head, of subverting expectation, that causes controversy. Many people like that sort of

A non-spoilery way to put it is that it felt a lot more like an average big tentpole scifi movie than part of Star Wars.

Luke doesn’t know that in that scene. That’s my point. They want their cake and to eat it too.

I just wanted less bizarre, campy humor. Star Wars is first and foremost a family drama. I could forgive the semi-ridiculous and boring plot if not for the shitty humor. This film had more jokes than all the others combined. Let’s go down the list chronologically:

Mary Poppins float. That’s perfect. What an incredibly dumb scene.

I think I hated it too. There was so much set up for no pay off.

I am not judging anyone for liking the movie. Star Wars is for everyone. You take out of it what you did and that it great. I just fundamentally disagree with everything the movie did. That is on me. It doesn’t make anyone less of a fan or more of a fan for likeing or disliking it.

I just don’t think Luke should have ended up like this AT ALL to begin with. That just isn’t his character. And if you’re going to make such a big change, then we need to fucking SEE it. For the life of me I can’t figure out why they didn’t start with What happened between Luke and Ben. Fucking Abrams and his bullshit

It felt like a Marvel movie, it never let the serious scenes have any sort of levity. It tried so hard to stop any serious scene and shout out “HEY ARE YOU HAVING FUN?” and it never let anything breathe. It wasn’t the correct tone for Star Wars. To your point, I disliked a majority of the EU, but this felt like fan

I get it. If you enjoy Star Wars for being pew pew laser swords, it’s what you wanted. I won’t fault anyone for enjoying a movie. It just doesn’t feel like it connects with the OT or even The Force Awakens.

I agree with the original poster. His comments mirror ones I’ve shared with a few Star Wars buddies this morning while trying to make sense of what I saw last night. The thing I hated the most in the movie was Luke’s death. If he is going to die anyways, at least get him on Krait so he can do all that cool Jedi stuff

I didn’t want a carbon copy of Star Wars. The complete opposite. This movie doesn’t feel like it was the same universe as the OT or even The Force Awakens. It’s completely felt like it’s own separate thing.

All IMO obviously, but I left the theater thinking it was no better than Rogue One and by the time I got home I thought it was as bad as a the prequels. I found it messy and felt extremely long. The most interesting character, Snoke, they kill off without ever answering anything about him and he’s replaced with

It’s pretty awful.

Although the acting, visuals and sound were excellent, I had a lot of issues story wise. Such as:

I am pretty sure I hated this movie. There were so many things in there that wasn’t Star Wars and didn’t feel like Star Wars. The Matrix Style slow motion ducking under the lightsaber, Luke brushing his shoulders off, the reach out and Luke ticking Rey with a leaf. The your mom joke. Leia’s Mary Poppins/Superman float

“Any time things seem to be going one direction, they don’t just zig or zag, they blast off into another dimension entirely. And it happens again and again.”

That sounds like lazy writing if you ask me. Subtlety is what makes a story interesting, not pseudo random derailment of plot for the sake of shock and

the movie lost me when Leia flew through space like the wicked witch of the west.

Yeah. This movie is trash, but the fucking reviewers are just going to let Rey being no one, Force projection, and Snoke being pointless slide. IT’S EXCITING AND NEW! Who gives a fuck? Give me god damn JJ episode IX already. He will fix all the stupid shit, that fucking Rian dicked around with.

Germain your credibility is beyond reproach. Everyone knows you call it like you see it, and you’re definitely not a dead inside, toy-obsessed, cultural toddler. I definitely take your review seriously.