
Jaden Smith is not a star, he is the son of a star. He is also borderline retarded.

As I get older, I find I have less tolerance for bullshit. And my friends, using ‘North Cackalacka’ unironically is bullshit. I mean, is Road Dogg one of the voice actors?

rather than comment on nostalgia, it’s preoccupied with rich people and the pursuit of material objects

I just love the statement from 2006 that is was lefties who tore the Democratic party apart in the 60's and 70's. I had to look to make sure, but Chait was born in 1979. I was alive then. It was Democratic officials siccing dogs and fire hoses on civil rights marchers, and Democratic presidents sending hundreds of

Wussypillow is exactly the kind of atheist that your initial response was talking about. Nothing about the actual discussion, everything about how they’re right and you’re wrong and everything they feel somehow becomes fact. They’re the exact kind of Fan of Thing that this entire article spends the whole time

Your head firmly below the sand. Bungie hasn’t really said what it is I’ll give you that but the original idea was a social space to meet others, and open worlds where you would again find others about. And or course the weekly grind crap out do. Level up you character to get more powerful? I mean if I didn’t say

“People don’t agree with me = Salty”

Not every mmo has a subscription fee, anyways Bungie makes up for it by charging $20-$40 every 4 months for their “expansions”

What is it with Kotaku changing review templates every couple months? Why can’t you do a straight up review and tell us if the game is worth playing or not? I don’t need to read a novel about people playing Destiny. It’s creative but it’s not needed here. It’s like you’re not paying attention to who you’re writing for.

I had the same thoughts. About 2 paragraphs in I realized this was a literary piece. Found myself paging down till towards the end where I didn’t find anything answering the question(s) one might have when reading a review.

I’m all for your literary piece. Separate it from the proper review. They both have a

“He clearly didn’t have a life. He was perfect.” LMAO, gotcha.

It seems to me, that when the entire comment section is more concerned with how you reviewed something, and not what you reviewed, that maybe stylistic venturing got the better of you.

Once you scrolled through to the actual review 90% of the way down the page, sounds like a 6 or 7/10. “Competent...not as interesting as the first. Liked the music and end, disliked the grindy gameplay and lack of enemy variety.”

Ugh, I felt the exact opposite. This is basically a series of short stories about Every MMO Ever Made. As someone who didn’t play the first one and is considering getting this on PC, it tells me nothing about the actual game of Destiny 2.

I applaud the attempt here, but I really wanted a standard Kotaku review. I get that you guys think that because it’s this big social shooter, it maybe needs to be looked at in another context, but I gave up reading halfway through.

Nick Clegg, is that you? I was wondering what happened to you after you sold out your constituents and single-handedly made your party irrelevant.

That is a demonstrably false statement and you can look at any number of policy positions that the Clinton campaign either adopted or changed because of Bernie. There is copious amounts of evidence in the DNC email leak—a $15 per hour minimum wage is one example.

Uhhh... no. Universal healthcare matters. Alot. Taxing the rich matters. The USA is becoming a bad place. Clinton represented keeping the train moving. Sanders represented holding the train hostage until we can agree upon a new track. Trump represented going off the rails.

Sanders is still an ideologue like Trump or others in the GOP, he’s just one whose ideology you like.

I find NDT's recent cult like following comical. I get it, he's a smart dude. People act as if he is their lord and savior lmao.