hippies use side door

That they seem to be a regular Jezebel reader and don’t know what a “Becky” is does not speak well of Jezebel.

Part of me is very pleased that Taylor did this. Another part of me is “mmm-hmmm”ing because this came out on her app immediately after reports that it was flooded with racist, homophobic Trump supporters and also because I’m a garbage person at the moment.

She’s also willing to put her career on the line by taking a political/moral stance.

Holy fuck this thread. Feudalism is fucking confusing.

i also couldn’t sex some dude 20 years older than me that isn’t attractive but whatever


But why does having a health issue give you a moral obligation that other couples do not have? The fact of the matter is that it IS complicated and/or expensive, so I’m not going to debate that part because it is fantasy land. I think adoption is amazing, but it isn’t right for every couple, and they should get to

Yep just found out. Looks like I need a mulligan on this whole thread.

Let’s just mind our own business maybe

Literally, the most insensitive thing any person could say to a couple going through infertility treatment is ‘why don’t you just adopt’ like it’s going to the fucking pound and getting a puppy. I spent a fortune on IVF and it was still cheaper than adoption.

was any other name than “Elsa” even considered? Frozen for 24 years...... The cold never bothered me anyway.

Have you adopted? I am asking because it is not easy. It’s also not asked of couples not dealing with infertility or illness on the reg. In fact, her husband having cystic fibrosis also could count them out from adoption. Private adoption is expensive (as much as three rounds of IVF at my clinic, if you pay out of

I watched the hell out of that movie when I was younger. Geena Davis was amazing in that role.

“Long Kiss Goodnight” is criminally underseen and undercelebrated by genre fans. All the shit people love about the Oceans movies, or early Tarantino, or John Wick is present in Long Kiss Goodnight. Tight Shane Black script. Geena Davis at her kick-ass peak. Sam Jackson doin’ his thing back when it wasn’t yet a

Yeah, the only reason “knowing cars” is so elevated is because men predominantly work in the field. Guarantee you if more women were in the industry, it’d be devalued. See: nursing.

Alternate point: I’m female, have no knowledge or interest in car maintenance, happy to pay to have it done, am not inferior because of that.

The Long Kiss Goodnight was awesome and underrated.

Nah, Die hard is kind of a solo thing. A single female action star movie isn’t gonna piss people off.

Do you now know who the hell Danny Ocean is? Faking a death is just another Tuesday for him.

I think it’d be cooler if she was Danny Ocean’s daughter, and it was a sequel to the original Rat Pack film. But I guess then you can’t have a Clooney cameo. A Clooneo.