hippies use side door

As a middle aged white man I refuse to let the bar be set that low. We’re trying to build a society and men need to own a part of that, which means giving women bodily authority. As men we own our actions, we own our mistakes as well as our achievements but we don’t own other people’s bodies.

I think she has so much anger about the situation that she’s misplacing it. It’s got to be hard, honestly. She had remained silent for so long (not of her doing) and now, to see so many coming out, getting support, being’s got to mess with her, it’s got to make her angry.

OK but Rose McGowan not only worked with a child molester but she literally took a pay out and signed a NDA with Weinstein.

Without getting too much into it (because it’s just a google away) my friend’s brother in law was arrested years ago for raping some of his students over 5 years. He had cameras in the locker rooms too.

Women are going to tear each other apart for the crimes of men.

I wonder if she doesn’t want to talk about Hoffman because she doesn’t want to take attention away from his victims. If Meryl Streep says something, suddenly all of the media is going to shift because MERYL STREEP and the people who should have a voice will be forgotten.

Exactly. When practically no woman or girl can become a famous actress, singer, rapper, model, etc. without some type of casting couch rumor being spread about her at some point, are we really going to be shocked and outraged when celebrity women are just a little mistrustful of ‘gossip’ in this situation?

I agree with you - at the very least, she should not be called out for something she may not have known about. Rose McGowan is being very reckless. (I don’t agree with you that she’s the she’s the greatest actress ever, though!)

The thing I say is; you don’t *know unless you KNOW....the details. I seriously doubt that if Meryl knew Rose was raped, she’d be ok with it. Unfortunately EVERYBODY (in a different era, just a decade ago) thought of Harvey as that typical, pig producer. Rape though?! Even poor Rose had to stay quiet based on her

She will never willingly retire under Trump White House, but she’s not immortal either.

“. . . the absolute obsession these dumb shits have with wasting time and money trying to criminalize abortion.”

Great, now I’m dead, absolutely 100% DEAD.

Source: Ezekiel 23:20.

Among the many things about our current political climate that make we want to scream into a pillow until I pass out is the absolute obsession these dumb shits have with wasting time and money trying to criminalize abortion.

The blog Go Fug Yourself paints her as a science-loving child who is constantly plotting how to take over the universe. I choose to believe that characterisation is the truth.

I have a three year old daughter. Bribery was 100% used for that picture. Likely candy was given to her with the promise of more. That’s the only way I can get my kid to stay still to get a good picture.

i don’t have kids myself, but to me that looks like the face of a toddler whose cooperation has been purchased with the promise that she can shout one rude word as soon as they get a good photo

George is about to escape and his dad’s hands are like “No.” Charlotte’s “smile” face is too cute. I don’t know what “thoroughly staged” even means. They got a photographer and a backdrop which is standard for many people’s holiday photos. Of course it’s staged.

Pennsylvania isn’t prohibiting the procedure. It’s requiring that it be done by a veterinarian. If an 81-year-old woman who didn’t have a medical license were performing minor cosmetic surgery on humans at her kitchen table, the legal system would also have something to say about that.

You are starting to sound ... SOFT. Kinda like Bron-Bron!!! Little dirt never hurt. (Unless it has the Botulinum toxin on it, then it can kill you)