
All of these quotes sound like they’ve been pulled bad 6th grade reports.

Of course black dye has the most PPD! Although I have loved my black hair and I loved that it made me look younger, I just don’t love all the time and effort it took. My husband went grey in his teens and he does not care one bit. I live in hippieville Olympia, Wa. Grey hair is normal! Thank you for all your good

Hate to be the bearer of bad news but PPD or p-Phenylenediamine is used in 99% of hair dye today. A lot of people have bad reactions to it (waves hand). Google PPD reaction pictures. People who dye their hair and have no reaction for years and one day dye their hair and can have a horrible allergic reaction.

Wrestling, like occupies a foundational space in who I am as a person. 80% of the people in the locker rooms across every promotion in this country are there because all they’ve ever wanted to do with their lives is wrestle. these are people who put their bodies on the line every goddamn night doing things much

Sounds believable.

7 days? Lol, I never have to buy a suit again!

Why am I left with the impression that sex with you would boil down to negotiation and documentation? Somebody slipping their dick out of your vagina and into your anus is rude and should never be done unless it’s something that you’ve done in the past with this partner and it’s part of your routine. I would agree

Touching someone’s butt during sex is NOT sexual assault. Trying to shove something up it could be but please don’t neuter the term by implying that even touching a wrong part during sex is assault. That’s just insulting to those of us who have been sexually assaulted.

Yeah, don’t you want your partner to see every bit of you? Even the “freaky” bits? You’re already letting the other person put stuff inside of you, which is basically the most intimate you can be with someone (physically speaking). So what’s a little butthole winking?

Somebody’s not doing it right.

Clearly these people are too uptight to ever try weird stuff butt stuff.

Ah, but here’s the real test of the sexiest of sexy fun times: can you see your own butthole during sex?

Same. And also, like, y’all never tried any butt stuff..? Are we just pretending like that’s not a thing? And OF COURSE he can see your butthole during sex. And not just while doing it doggy style.

“I am not shocked that part of her health was affected by drugs,” he continued. “If you want to know what killed her, it’s all of it.”

Betrayal is a severe, devastating form of psychological harm. You don’t even have to be fragile to suffer emotionally and physically from the harm. I’m speaking of the betrayal from her family.

Yes - this hypothesis seemed too easily dismissed to me also. Great distress can occur from relationship strife and her family’s response to it, could have added considerably to that.

I’m here for the TS shade and approve of it because now I can listen to her music at work on Spotify instead of having to go through ITunes on my phone. It makes my life easier.

Yes, let’s follow up this account of her body shaming with some criticism of her appearance. That makes sense. After all- two wrongs do make a right.

All I got from the article.

Those hideous fucking “slide ons” are made of calf hair, just so you know. Not that any of you probably care, but a baby cow was slaughtered so that you could wear that.