Hollywood wants the authenticity of children of poverty, parade them around at premieres, then dump them back into their previous life and adults from the West profit from them for years.
Hollywood wants the authenticity of children of poverty, parade them around at premieres, then dump them back into their previous life and adults from the West profit from them for years.
She dated Dylan Rieder on-and-off (skateboarder) for a while but he sadly passed away from complications from Leukemia at the age of 28 about eight months ago :(
Jesus, I hate people. Don’t kill things because you’re scared of them. This is neither cute nor funny.
Wait, so we can blame Nickelback on 9/11?! This is how the terrorists won.
S3/S4 were when it became a megahit. S1/S2 it was on that True Blood/approaching Sopranos level, but then 3 and 4 (which, coincidentally were the best seasons) was when it went past Sopranos- which, that’s pretty freaking impressive! The Sopranos is a cultural watershed moment which changed the game in terms of what a…
Even for a random hookup? A one night stand? At what point should the partner be willing to accept the risk? B/c full disclosure is not realistic for every hookup.
You are just as likely to catch herpes from a person who thinks they don’t have herpes than someone who knows they do have it. Half of people have herpes. Half of people with herpes know it. So, 25% of the population knows they have it, and 75% thinks they don’t. 70% of transmissions are from people who don’t know…
I miss weirdness. :(
Thanks - aside from raising my lovely daughter, it is what I am most proud of in my life - it was the hardest and yet most rewarding time.
I’m right there with you. I went back to school a couple years ago (I’m 32), and at first I happily didn’t feel that much older than the kids 10 years younger than me. Until they said they were in first grade on 9/11 and they didn’t really remember that day. I went from the fun older sister to the ancient gnarled…
The only people who want this live in places in the US that terrorists would never consider attacking.
On the other I’m sure part of the reason they are willing to make her a muse is that she’s thin and white.
Steve Jobs’ father was Syrian and his mother was from New Jersey. Do we really have to find someone with the exact genetic makeup of the character to play someone in the movies now to not offend someone?
I find it very easy to not play or purchase, or listen to, R. Kelly’s music, as well as Chris Browns.
Don’t forget by adding that Black women open white men up to new worlds of fun and dancing and loudness in interracial films. They bring color and light into the story, while never having a back story of their own. They are magical.
Don’t worry, I tend to do this too...I also feel embarrassed, but I think the aim of sharing is to get others to understand where we’re coming from...if that person eventually ‘gets it,’ then it benefits them too, and the relationship becomes stronger.
I don’t find that too crazy. Madonna was a pioneer, those others, just very good in roles that were waiting for someone to fill. Her (Madonna’s) level of difficulty bar was way higher.
She wasn’t wrong. Houston was making crap she herself didn’t even like, at the time. And Sharon Stone was a one-trick pony in the end.
I remember telling an acquaintance what bullshit this show was and how only awful people actually behave like that, only to have him assure me that this is really how most people behave. To this day I wonder if he was right or if watching this stuff is why people can’t play well with others anymore.