I guess we’ll never know where the guy got his misplaced rage from.
I guess we’ll never know where the guy got his misplaced rage from.
I’m actually impressed how they manage to take the low road every single time. At least they’re consistent.
Melting wax figurine of Caligula
Something about “seagull dipped in tikka masala” seems so natural and real.
I couldn’t get through the whole video. Her pain is palpable. It’s too much.
Oh my god. This made my heart break all over again.
“The success of artists like Macklemore, Iggy Azalea and Sam Smith are clear indicators that there is a whole audience of white people who want to listen to and enjoy black music without the black people.”
Don’t dead open inside?
I was going to go doctorless for my pregnancy but I want my baby to live.
See! Low cost and safe abortion services aren’t necessary. Just ask this woman. She took care of it herself AND she gets free room and board (for the duration of her sentence)!
Because I have nothing better to do with my time I did some facebook sleuthing. The daughter’s MIL says this is related to the “ mental illness” of the mother.
Why would mom send daughter to fill up and then come back to pick her up? Why not just ride along? It sounds to me like mom was waiting to have the house to herself. For what, I can’t guess.
Who will be chosen to taste test so as to ensure adequate yuckiness?
Great headline. Because making sweeping generalizations about an entire group of people isn't exactly why stories like this exist to begin with.
My first thought was "i'm glad no one was hurt", then "I hope that was the special dildo-boiling pot and not the all-purpose, cooking dinner for family and friends pot".
Still at large are her accomplices, Sparky McArson and I. M. Burningthisbitchtotheground.
Seriously. I can't wait for Florida Man to retire.