The deke grande

Sweet! I've always wanted to be a henchman. Anyone know if he's taking resumes?

I know it's horrible, but I was actively cheering for the ME3 kid to die from the moment I saw him.

So how many simultaneous games of Crisis can this thing run?

The gods of the internet demand weekly human sacrifices in exchange for keeping a website online. Kotaku just doesn't possess the staff to make this a viable option.

People, he's not a hipster. He's a lumberjack, and he's okay.

In this next series of tests, you're going to be using the Aperature Science Handheld Spherical Animal Capture and Storage Device, patent pending. Now before you go out and capture the rabid badgers we've flooded the test chamber with, the lab boys wanted me to warn you to avoid contact with capture beam if at all

First Gabe, then Notch, get Schafer and we'll have a trifecta

Ca-ave Johnson

mmm... cinnamony

Anyone know how to calculate the surface area of a T-rex skeleton?

I emptied a full magazine into that little holographic bastard

Someday I'm gonna make a building that's entirely 13th floors...


I've got a bridge you can live under, though you will have to help me force travelers to pay the toll. On the plus side your troll costume is free and you get half the profits.

What are everyone's opinions on Gawker's recent decision (that I imagine will hit here in the next week or so) to force the connection of commenter accounts with a google/facebook/etc account?

Somehow my laptop screen has developed what looks and feels like a scratch. What's weird is that it follows the line of the pixels perfectly and that it seemed to appear immediately after I bumped the bottom of my laptop while moving. Anyone else ever have something like this happen to them?

Zombie Hollywood Nazis... IN SPACE!!!!!!