The deke grande

I have been waiting to use this for so long...

This is sort of related to the whole cuteness thing, but has anyone ever seen a dumb baby?

Supposedly newborns have that "lizard" quality because, back in prehistory, it made it easier for the parents to abandon the child before they invested too many resources in them.

This is new? Haven't any of you ever talked to Im-Leet or Rolf the Uber?

It didn't work, I think something got corrupted in my save. Thankfully I have an older backup, but I'd still really like to know the source of this problem.

Anyone else had a problem involving the game crashing when attempting to quicksave on PC?

First thing that popped into my mind was good ol' homestarrunner

A meme only truly dies when it is mentioned in the New York Times

Such is life in the zone...


Well, what else am I supposed to do when I'm not furiously masturbating?

Alright, where the hell is #8 from?

So somehow I managed to get an icicle stuck to my ass in skyrim...

Robin Williams?

4. Lots and lots of tentacle porn

It may be for the same reason that there are proportionally few women in the "harder" sciences and mathematics; there's a general cultural perception that these fields are male dominated. While video games have become more popular with women, they have yet to completely escape their own "boys-only" status.