The deke grande

These games are good not

What a waste. You could've bought like 1500 handjobs (at current market rate) with that kind of cash.

@SegFault: Their localization efforts over the years have been... well, less than stellar. Case in point, misspelling their own name on the Harvest Moon 64 title screen.

in hell?

How has nobody posted one of these yet?

I'm still waiting for my plasma rifle

Let me guess, this is gonna go the way of the Sporepedia, i.e. an endless sea of dicks. That or a bunching of fucking cats.

I feel dirty now...

"And I, for one, welcome our new insect overlords. I'd like to remind them that as a trusted TV personality, I can be helpful in rounding up others to toil in their underground sugar caves."

Come on lawsuit

Behold, the new characters of Mass Effect 3

Jack Sparrow?

Wait, can't I just install the toolbar, collect the points, and then uninstall it?

Well, there goes my chance to legally abuse a child

wait a minute....