The most shocking thing about this article is there’s apparently still enough players to be worth developing this sort of hack.
Once you’ve stolen everything from all 30 people what’s the point?
The most shocking thing about this article is there’s apparently still enough players to be worth developing this sort of hack.
Once you’ve stolen everything from all 30 people what’s the point?
“The best part of waking up is 2 girls and 1 cup”
Yeah, that’s definitely a picture of a sunbathing asshole.
As a former CQA\FQA for THQ (pre-Nordic), I can tell you with 150% certainty that it was caught during testing, but likely got relegated to the NPF (No Plans To Fix) bug pile as they raced to get the game through compliance testing for the major platforms in time for a Holiday\Pre-Star Wars movie release.
Bud if it’s not blatantly obvious to you how that gets past testing you’ve never been within 500 feet of a piece of software being built.
ZING! Take your star!
Splinter’s feed should be updated to just be a black hole as well.
The most offensive thing about this movie is the fact that it somehow raked in $70.8 million.
What, no that show aired in the late 90s which is like 10 years ago... right?
Meh, he took a shot at a kink and missed. (Or did he? I didn’t see a clear no, just a playful correction of a word to one in her lyrics in a song about from what I can tell clapping your booty to fresh beats, unless I missed something? Which is totally possible)
This is the correct take.
30 minutes from nuts to bum? Taint possible.
“I’ve been told the server is in your basement, Volodymyr. Could you look? Volodymyr?”
Vehicle crashes like this are caused by drivers negligence.
I love all you car apologists on here. Your arguments are the same as those that gun nuts use after a mass shooting. “Cars don’t kill people, DRIVERS DO!” FML.... the guy got an old car not designed to have 700 hp and gave it 700 hp... then, like an idiot, let someone whose driving skills he has NO IDEA about drive…
I feel for ya. I am of the same mind. It isn’t so much I lament online\competitive games experimenting with their formula (though IMHO some companies do go WAY overboard with this), I simply HATE that if I don’t play a game for say, 3 weeks, the next time I boot it I am guaranteed to have a 2-10 gig update waiting for…