
Well, tbh if we get to the point of autonomous fleets of vehicles it is entirely likely manual driving will simply go away, after all I think the hardest part to figure out about autonomous driving right now is how it will deal with all the mushy meat sacks still driving manually. In the ideal future the vehicles all

You wit, like that poor mouse, is just too good for this world.

I was with you until I saw the VH1 in the bottom right. Early 90's\Late 80's MTV or GTFO.

That’s the dream. I get in a box, it takes me where I want to go. I get out of the box at my destination. Hopefully one day the idea of owning a car is antiquated and the people of the future never understand why us primitive beasts ever owned them to begin with. This is not at all sarcasm. I look forward to the day

You could just say, pickup random piece of trash with your hands. Like a capri sun left by some little shit. They tend to be self contained and you could easily throw it in the proper bin wherever you happen to be headed. No one is asking you to take a 10 garbage bags and clean a 10 block perimeter. If it’s too gross

Fries so good they’ll make you go blind.

I think what I miss most is that dungeons used to have bosses and wings that required a specific class to get to. The trap disarm part for rogues in LBRS I think it was? It really made you feel special instead of an element of a dps equation.

Hey guys, member the first time you found out where Wailing Caverns was! Having to climb over the mountain and land just right to get to the quest givers! That was such an amazing moment for me, as it really showed this game was something special. It had SECRETS. And good ones. I still remember stealthing my way

I can’t believe a game I beta’d (Classic Wow) is still going strong. I am tempted to try classic.

Scott and former DEA Task Force Officer Rodney Gemar were also charged with unlawful conversion of property by a government officer or employee and removing property to prevent seizure. The trial for these charges is scheduled for October 2019.

Fat Tuesday was always fun, then there is (was? dunno if it still there) the Big Bang that usually had some sort of duelling piano thing going on inside which was always fun to watch. The Vine though, oh man did I spend an unreasonable amount of time there.

You get a gold star for this statement alone

Oh man, PHX AZ... I used to live in Tempe right off of 5th street and Hardy, near Mill Ave. My go to dive bar was “The Vine”. Super cheap steins of beer and berut beer pong tables = good night for a man in his early 20's. I am mid 30's now and I am pretty sure I’d die if I went out and attempted one of those nights

He thinks the same way Cheetoh-dusted-Lenin does. If he can just keep his enemies tied up in court for long enough, they’ll quit. He doesn’t understand things like “scruples” or “ethically bound behavior” where a person or group perform an act, not out of self-interest or in some scheme for self-gratification\profit,

I effing loved arcades as a kid. I was a kid just on the tail end of the Arcade boom, so they were EVERYWHERE, and I reveled in them. Hanging out, playing Mortal Kombat or SFII. It was a magical time. Oh man, AVP the arcade game was my jam. NBA Jam, the Simpsons, X-men, Operation Wolf, so much good gaming.

You dare malign the mighty chicken thigh?!

This is just my opinion, so take it however you like, but I want to believe that a heartfelt apology and changed behavior should be accepted and rewarded.


He was in Nymphomania, and apparently “method acted” the role...

All that commercial ever made me want to do was eat a fried egg... and smoke some weed. Not necessarily in that order.