
Wait a minute.... you mean the game that was originally created as a critique\parody of capitalism has now become a caricature of itself and is now bashing socialism... wtf.

Didn’t read the article, just came here to say that at first glance I thought the pic was of Red Dead Redemption 2.

I think you give the script writers\Producers\Director for this garbage too much credit... I like your take though even if I think it is looking at the movie through rose colored glasses. The satire is there, but it’s unintentional. Like a certain orange colored turd wearing a toupee, there is no way the people behind

He got even more personal than that. He literally called them uninformed idiots, THEN proceeded call them disloyal to Israel. In the same breath.

except if she did so, she’d just be falling in line with the Sith instead of the Jedi, you know that whole “Rule of Two” stuff the Sith do that makes absolutely zero sense... also it was the EXACT same thing Vader attempted with Luke.

Dark Wing Platypus.

Now playing

Holy shit... London has Fallen was the most racist, bigoted bullshit movie I have ever seen. And I watched Song of the South as a wee child (sub 6 years old, obviously I had no inklings of the racial overtones the cartoon presented).

Circa 200? Lookin’ good for being 1800 years old!

WTF was that?... It was painfully unfunny. I can’t believe the Simpsons failed so hard picking such low hanging fruit. 

Some animals think we’re the wurst. Both statements are true.

YAHHH! ya do!

You could go the Cheetohlini (Thinking about switching that to Cheetolenin because RUSSIA) route as well.

I think this is a fair judgement. From the facts presented in this story, I don’t believe the killing was a premeditated plan to murder a specific individual, but came about in a moment of passion and overzealous “Castle Doctrine” adherence as well as racist sentiment and pure, unadulterated recklessness.

Someone at a rally probably shouted “Hey, Michelin Man!” making fun of his small hands and large waist line, but he heard “Hey, Michigan man!” and assumed he won something.

If only there were someway to make console games on some sort of medium that can be inserted\removed on demand so we don’t have to decide which games we want to delete from the device... Unfortunately no such thing exists.

Seriously, if the doc says you’re a good candidate, GET. THE. LASIK. Best decision I’ve ever made, and I once stayed at a Holiday Inn Express. I was down to like 20/60 - 20/80 vision that was progressively getting worse (not the worst ever, but still pretty bad relative to good vision). I now have 20\15 vision. It’s

Wax paper is not recyclable. that is what most “cartons” of liquid are made from. BUT, the paper is biodegradable, so there is that. Honestly, we should all just get over the metallic taste and drink from aluminum cans, which are cheap and 100% recyclable. Something crazy like 70% of aluminum ever produced is still in