The only good nazi is a knocked the fuck out nazi. Also dead nazis.
The only good nazi is a knocked the fuck out nazi. Also dead nazis.
WTF... he looks like he should be in an early 00's Geico commercial...
Interesting use of an apostrophe.
Soon it’ll be hogs all the way down.
Reading comprehension is apparently hard. No one is saying being a Bernie fan is “bad” or “good”. The author was pointing out that the analysis was not only off, it was willfully ignorant of the facts on the very sheet he was using to push his false narrative and dismiss Bernie as a serious Presidential candidate…
Buy backs work. Several counties have done this, including Australia and New Zealand. It ain’t a magic bullet, but it would beat back the tide a little.
Agreed, a BAR-like system. If you are dis-BAR’d then you are prevented from holding that position ever again.
pretty sure the venn diagram of masturbation time and “How far you made it through Caligula” time are nearly a single circle.
Ok, I’ll admit at the beginning of the story I was leaning toward “It’s bad form\dangerous to leave kids in the car during a hot day, but a non-ambulatory child sleeping in the back seat in NOT-extreme weather while you go inside somewhere really isn’t all that bad.” then White Trash Wendy cranked it to 11 and all…
I don’t want just matchmaking. I want to be able to list what I want to do in-game and be able to invite ppl to my fireteam all without having to multitask between my PC, my phone, then having to input the battletag into the game, then possibly being forced to friend a rando just to invite them to do something.
There are only a few barcades that have the cabinet, but it is a mixed of independent\centralized tournaments. So the “teams” usually have their go to spots to practice\play until a tourney is announced. The barcades that host practices usually have those practices coincide with some sort of general event, such as a…
Don’t even get me started. Wherever I’ve worked, the marketing dept is always, ALWAYS the one I revile the most. Well, second most. C-Level management is the one that takes the top spot, but marketing is right there behind them, nipping at their heels.
Just look up “Killer Queen” to see an example of what they’re talking about.
Not the song, the arcade cabinet. At least here in Portland, there is a whole sub-culture surrounding competitive Killer Queen play. If Gamestop could somehow incorporate that into their business model, say by hosting local fight tournaments…
I am really enjoying D2, BUT I hate the way Bungie\Activision\whomever is to blame put all matchmaking, LFG, fireteam searching, and clan searching OUTSIDE OF THE EFFING GAME.
Holy shit, I can’t watch Hereditary. I have a special needs daughter that the daughter in that movie is WAAAAAAAAYYYYY too close to, both in terms of how she looks and how she behaves.
In other news, uninformed\unprepared people die doing thing prior uninformed\unprepared other person died doing.
Earth’s Climate: “Hold my beer.”
Roaches, hands down. They are legion.