
Bullshit. No one can predict the future. How the hell are you supposed to somehow know what the effects of impeachment would be? How could it not be all aces for Dems to put Cheetohlini on a stand and have him attempt to verbally defend himself in front of the country? The guy can’t get through a press conference

Pelosi is why even democrats dislike the party. What kind of gutless, spineless “leader” are you when you have mountains of evidence, INCLUDING VIDEO\AUDIO OF CLEAR ATTEMPTS TO OBSTRUCT JUSTICE AND CURRYING FAVOR WITH FOREIGN GOV’TS TO WIN AN ELECTION, to impeach, but you take the “wait and see” approach while

The human blob fish has already taken that title and rubbed his musk all over it.

You’re right, we must take a lesson from the French are start building guillotines to redistribute their “very stable” “super-genius” brains.
STFU you troll. 

Also, no measurable effect is no effect.

It isn’t just the porn though, it is tied to masturbation, orgasm, and habit. Other studies (as the other person said, you can look them up if you want more details) have shown that it is what you wire your brain to orgasm to that shifts your opinions when it comes to how you view your partner romantically\sexually.

Story checks out.

He floats. He doesn’t need shoes.

I don’t get the name fusion game some people are tying themselves up in knots over to figure why his name is Sigma. Sigma is a mathematical\scientific term that means “The Sum of All Things”.

Other names he could go by, in no particular order:

You know, I was wondering what Sir “Tiny Hands von Date Rape” was doing these days. Looks like he is covering Hall & Oats songs, as any date rapist is wont to do.
Maybe his name should be “No See Those” (pills I am dropping in yo drink)

Dat’s good kinja

Rycroft’s opponent when he dropped his sword


You philistine. 

Ideally, the “goodness” or “badness” (I don’t know how one even qualifies that...) of a defendant’s family should hold ZERO sway over the guilt and punishment of a person.

YAS! Dark meat chicken is pretty much the only chicken I eat. The breasts are soooooo drrryyyyyy unless you pamper them like an inbred royal with hemophilia. And even then they just have zero flavor.

But is jiving on the carpet still acceptable?

It would be a mob, just not one you identify with. Example: The cities that get razed when a sports team loses, and the cities that get razed when a sports team wins. Both cases have seen riots. Mobs don’t really need a coherent reason to mob. That is why it’s called the mob mentality. It is irrational and can be