
That’s another point I wanted to make. Asking a soldier who took an oath to protect America being asked to wantonly slaughter Americans by the thousands would be a tough sell. I have to believe that some would revert to their training and fire, but most would stand down, even against orders.

Literally every instance in history of mobs that size prove you wrong. Every. Single. One. See, you’re trying to use logic for phenomena that is, at its base, irrational mob mentality. You are also making an assumption that people willing to sign up to storm a military installation are all cowards that turn and run at

Mob Protests throughout history refute your assumption.

I have a simpler explanation. When that rule was written, slavery was the law of the land. Full stop. The rule was there to protect the fragile ego of slave owners.

Lulz, ya there’s a theory that threat of nuclear warfare caused the gov’t (and private industry folks who saw profit in exploiting the fear of total annihilation) to start a social engineering experiment. The experiment was to see if they could engineer the population to cook with and enjoy food stuffs that could be

I was just having this convo yesterday. I believe there is some critical point that exists. If 100 people tried this, I firmly believe they’d be shot\arrested. However, if 500,000 did it, I believe the forces there would be stand down. I don’t see the murder of half a million people going down to well, but a hundred

I am sorry, but I think your take is incredibly naive. I believe restaurants put this little surprise on the bill to get people to seethe about it. After all, when have you ever, EVER, seen a surprise item on a bill and been happy to see it? No matter how small. They do this to sow resentment, and to hopefully get

Go away Russian Twitter Bot Troll. We know you’re bullshit. Do not feed the troll people.

Stop trying to spin a defective, premium product into something positive...

Twitter is digital brain cancer. Let it burn.

You know, growing up I knew this family call the Robinsons (white trash folks). There was one whose name is Paul. Paul was upfront when you met him that he can’t be left alone with your valuables because he WILL take them, pawn them, and purchase smack with the proceeds. While Paul was a piece of garbage, I always

But, see you have to understand this, Obama is black. They’re totally cool with a white dude dictator, as long as he has a US Flag lapel and forces immigrants to drink out of toilets.

What is sad is that having a dash cam to keep from being exploited by gov’t sanctioned goons has been a necessity in Russia for like a decade. What I am saying is that we are getting to the point (maybe we hit that point a while ago...) where we are oppressed as much as a citizen from a country we claim to be the

Totally agree with you. I found his character to be one of the most down to earth and believable, unlike Will’s older brother who, after having just went through a dimension hopping adventure like a couple months previously, completely dismisses the evidence brought to him by his action hero girlfriend.

The point, you missed it. Whether you consider these facilities “concentration camps” (I do) or “internment camps” or “holding cells” is irrelevant. What is relevant is that human beings are being herded like cattle and treated worse. Human rights are being abused. You could call these places “Super Happy Fun Zones”

Oh man, they really lined up Thanos’ chin crease, didn’t they?

Oh man, they really lined up Thanos’ chin crease, didn’t they?

The Russian Troll farms are coming on strong to this article.

Personally, and this is my opinion and I don’t expect everyone to agree, I don’t believe inter-racial porn necessarily means “white” women and “black” men, at least not intentionally. I think it is the contrast between the performers that matters. Without context guessing a nationality\race is very hard by visual

Perfect response is perfect.

I think the implication is that this is one of the many disastrous events that took the USSR down. They couldn’t pay for it, but they did anyway in their insanity to keep up the arms race.