
Is it me, or did they put the head on backward like President Skroob after attempting to use the teleporter?

Fuck... FUCK... “he didn’t commit a crime.”
Who the fuck are these guys? They see a grown man beating a child and they refuse to arrest?!

Wow... and I thought the first “glimpse” was underwhelming... this seals it. This is a safe, by the numbers release. Oh well. One day someone will be given the go ahead to make a good Star Wars game, eventually. 

You’re a fool if you don’t grill PARSNIPS!

And the human centipede of online blogging adds another link to its sh!t chain...

He makes no mention of rectifying that practice, he’s just venting a frustration\sharing an observation.

This right here is their problem:

That’s good Kinja

Plus, you have to ask yourself, if this story wasn’t about Tifa and her breasts, would it have been written? If the error in translation were about the dev describing anything else, would it have been written?

Reading comprehension and nuance is hard, apparently.

Wow.... this is the breast equivalent of “Are migrant detention centers concentration camps? Ya or nah?” debate. Utterly pointless and vapid. But it has identified all the creepers lurking in your comments section. Did he say “bind” or “reduce”? Who cares? Why are we even discussing this? The more important part is


I only got half way through the baby, the rest is in a doggy bag in my fridge. I don’t know why I bothered to save it, I am just going to throw the rest away tomorrow...

I find it particularly insulting when you consider every other article you read about the video game industry talks about them working 60+ hours per week basically indefinitely... (I know, I used to work for old THQ before they blew $100 million on a failed port of the uDraw tablet to Xbox 360 and the PS3)

I miss memory cards... I really enjoyed being able to take a save game to a friend’s house, plug in, and go. No having to log in to an account nor having to download save data, just plug in and go. I don’t miss how little memory they had, but honestly I’d like to see them make a comeback, if for nothing else than to

Oh, I am not saying you didn’t do the legwork or anything nor did I mean to imply that you didn’t do the work or something, I was just suggesting the the Root should run a “Deal of the Week” type thing that focuses on African American owned businesses. Just thought it’d be a cool thing to see.

I’ve been thinking, this site (the kinja sites as a whole, RIP Gawker) usually has some sort of deal of the day or tech deal thing going on. The Root should do one that focuses on businesses run by African Americans.

Well, I am concerned that including images of transgendered people are turning frogs gay.

You know how you’re right? When the other person can do nothing beyond personal insults. 

I like the “seasons” aspect. As others have expressed, it is nice to have something other than end-game Raid grinds to do, especially for those of us that can’t devote multiple hours of game time. I don’t Raid so much because I am a father of two and have a professional career (by this I mean I don’t have a whole lot