
There are no licensing issues with backward compatibility. Keep grasping at straws though.

Lulz, dude I spend half a decade making video games. Please don’t lecture me about how the industry works. I am intimately familiar with it.

PS4 is basically a modified UNIX\Linux based OS.

Modern day consoles all basically use a hyper-modified version of Linux. 

My impression of you:

I will never understand why the big game publishers do this... My PC (Yes, groan, PC Master Race, yada yada) can run games from the last 20 years at least without patches, and pretty much all of them since the beginning of time (game time that is).

I know it is sort of en Vogue right now, but might I suggest not referring to Trump supporters as “Magats”? I realize it is likely a riff on maggot, or at least I hope it is, but it is way too close to “faggot”. I’d hate for your work, which is legit as f*ck by the way, to be sullied by unintentional hate speak. 

Does Superman HAVE to wear his underwear on the outside and wear impossibly skin tight tights?

But in the video she DOES have what appear to be boobs, or boob-plate armor if you will.

That needs to be dealt with. -ElectricSheep

Poor strategic skills? She is a woman who controls the seven kingdoms during a time when women were considered little more than human sows, has an elite army that is 20k strong, paid off her Kingdom’s sizeable debt in full, destroyed literally every enemy that has been in her way, and is seated in one of the most

Nah, I think that would have had them falling into a trope. A tired trope at that. The aim of GoT is in part NOT to be a Tolkien-like fantasy. I think this is exactly how this should all pan out so far. This was a battle for all the marbles. The Night King knew only Winterfell and the Three Eyed Raven were capable of

This was literally THE battle the entire series was leading up to. Why did you expect the Night King to live beyond it? Both sides were all-in, there were no contingencies. No Plan B’s. It was either they win, or the world ends. With those stakes, why wouldn’t they have killed him? Narratively speaking. 

This is the worst part of the interwebs. A bunch of people who can barely write a blog\barely write comments on said blog picking apart what is a modern masterpiece of film. The battle was dark, this one was for the whole pot. Both sides were all-in. Of course it had to end one way or the other here.

Most likely explanation, dragons haven’t been around for a long time, and even longer has it been since there’s been one big enough to ride. Their knowledge of dragons is limited, and they likely assumed the “Only a Targ can ride a dragon” was simply a romanticized warning, aimed at keeping other families from

Right, where’s a “good guy with a gun” when you need one. For instance when you perceive the mildest of slights against the Blue Brotherhood. I mean at this point Smollett is basically reaching for his waistband.

Ya, OK there armchair economist.

That isn’t so much a hot take as it is a rephrasing of what I said... also, pretty far stretch to say that because Company A doesn’t make a product you in particular use, that they will slowly die. Oh noes, From Software missed out on a single $60 purchase from a person who doesn’t really like their products