
Game quality. Quality. That does not have anything to do with inclusive-ness. Just like how a quality game does not become low quality because it is missing color blind options. Those are nice to haves, but no dev “should” include these options. Otherwise we have to apply the same principle to other mediums. Imagine

Absolutely it is not a moral or ethical obligation. It would be if we were talking about a service or product required to be used by the populace at large and not a privately generated product for entertainment (sidewalks need to be wheelchair accessible, buildings must have means of accommodating people with

Again, why should they have that stance? Because it makes you feel good? What does From Software owe you? Why do you feel entitled to define how a company you have zero contact with other than potentially purchasing their product runs? You’re armchair quarterbacking a billion dollar company... based on nothing but an

He would not be a dick. He does not owe subtitles, an if he feels they would ultimately get in the way of his vision, he is well within his rights to exclude them without judgement. BTW, let’s not pretend subtitles are motivated by anything more than ensuring the product has as much exposure to consumers as possible.

I have a different hot take. No game "should" have anything. It is wholly up to those that create it. We as consumers are owed nothing. We simply consume what we like and leave what we don't.

This is the tac I take with my kids as well. My son was getting REALLY bad with the lying. Lying over EVERYTHING. I finally started doubling penalties for bad behavior when the behavior is lied about, and halving penalties when they came clean the first time I asked.

I’d argue that you’re arguing from a completely fictitious platform that you made up. Called the stawman argument.

You’re a special kind of stupid. A stupid who has delusions of genius.

Hey, number 2, even with its early 00's special effects fight scenes, was pretty cool. Not as groundbreaking as the first, but still fun! Why they never concluded the series will always mystify me though...

Is it the most efficient option? No, but it is also alluded to that the machines don’t actually need humans, but are preserving us for some reason. So if they can preserve us while also making us useful to their society, it’s a win win (for the machines).

Sure it does. You feed people more energy than they need in the form of food, then extract the calories later for your consumption. In the movie he describes us as batteries, not generators. We store energy for later consumption. Like how we raise pigs to later convert to bacon to fuel our own bodies.

In other words, we store energy for them, which they later extract via some hand wavy sci-fi process.

He said they are batteries, not generators. There’s a world of difference.

Being a “good soldier” is not a defense. Pretty sure we had trials in Nuremberg about this...

You hit that nail square on it’s fucking head. You get a star.

After spending a now decent amount of time with Anthem, I am even more conflicted. There are so many cool ideas going on, but damn is the execution lacking. It has good bones, but right now is fugly as hell. (Not graphically, I am talking about it’s performance and game design)

That stupid timer is the Dumbest. Idea. Evar. Seriously. “Sorry, but shit bag PUG leader decided he wants to stare at something in the corner. In 22 seconds you will be teleported to him.”
I seriously hate it. These guys made a beautiful world that I have to rush through at break neck speed because my PUG is filled

What do the Japanese have against burritos?