
This game has me so frustrated. It has such promise. Decent, if a little shallow, story. Just enough to motivate you to complete missions and stuff. Cool art design\direction. Decent to great gameplay (I think they should only have jets overheat when hovering personally, but whatevs) and matchmaking that is decent

It is just you. You’re weird.

I hope I am rich enough one day to have a chair specifically devoted to masturbation.

Someone’s a history major. I’ll take a Grande coffee with heavy whip plz.
I keed, I keed

His office isn’t a library. He isn’t a historian. Nor is his office a museum.

To be fair, it made ME ejaculate too.


Profits are not the only measure of success. Something we’ve completely forgotten.

well, I am assuming the net income already accounts for paying the execs... so the math would be more like $273 million + 81.2 million = $354.2 million

Fucking PREACH!


Oh look, another corporate shill trying to justify laying off hundreds of employees to make faceless investors (the majority of which I would be willing to bet are investment bots) more money despite having been more profitable than EVER BEFORE IN THE COMPANY’S HISTORY.

can we talk about how asinine it is that this has unfolded the way it has? How utterly stupid it is to have a 30+ year old high school yearbook photo that does not depict and act of violence completely upend a career?

There is a certain satisfaction to it. Like, ya I bought a $16 ticket to see Spiderman 3 in the theaters, but it came with a side of Right Wing Tears for me to drink, so in the long run I call it a wash.

The moral equivalence you are espousing is repugnant. One side is CLEARLY better. That is not to say PERFECT, which it clearly isn’t. There is no contest. Your argument is a logical fallacy.

Step 1: Find a culture or sub-culture ripe for raping.

How is that different than any physical card game out there like MTG? You purchase a booster pack and get a random assortment of cards hoping to get a rare\powerful card. I guess what I am trying to say is paying for a booster pack, whether it is digital or not, is NOT the same as microtransaction\lootbox crap shoe

Man, you missed the mark by just a hair. She is facing more than just backlash, she’s facing BLACKLASH! (Coincidentally that is also the name of the new superhero show I pitched Netflix... He’s a black hero who finally broke free from the whips and chains of systemic racism and now uses said whips and chains to fight

Because, I don’t know if you knew this or not, he in fact used both powers.

Wow. People are getting crucified for verbal flubs. Projecting much? I flub words all the time, example: just the other day I meant to say “High Noon” (it was the punchline of a joke, like I was going to duel someone... you’d have to have been there...) and accidentally said “Nigh Hoon”. I’ve also said “Derf Nart”