
edit: make sure your bird is on a rack and that the pan has some sort of liquid in it. I usually use vegetable or chicken stock in the roasting pan. That way the dripping from the turkey mix in and the potatoes, onion, and apples all stew in it. Not too much, you don’t want the bird sitting and boiling in the stock,

No shit, the best turkey I’ve ever made involved simmering some herbs in garlic butter for bit, letting that cool\harden back into delicious garlic\herb butter, then stuffing as much of that magical concoction under the skin of the turkey as I could (little hole in skin, push garlic-herb-butter in, then massage it

While I do disagree with you, I will be damned if your silver lining is not persuasive.

Edit\Update: Mea Culpa, I read the article incorrectly. I initially interpreted the following as saying the freebies got the emblem as well after the free period ends:

Being triggered can cause irrational, emotional over-reactions that include lashing out at straw-men. Do you need someone to talk to? Just get into your Ford F-150 and blast some Ted Nugent while you cry into a dash cam about “snowflakes” and other buzz words you heard Rush Limbaugh, Tucker Carlson, or some other

You are assuming everyone bought it day one. How about the people that bought it last month? Or days before this announcement?

Lulz, what’s the matter? You triggered? You need a safe space? 



Ugh... while I do see why they do it, this feels a bit like a slap in the face for those of us who bought it. I mean, we get an emblem, but so do the people who get it for free after a couple weeks... Give those of us that bought it something worthwhile. A ship, a transmat effect, an emote, SOMETHING the freebies

I hate your name, because I am actually hatch not you... that is all.

There should be a diminished return, especially against groups. So if Hammond (he will forever be Hammond to me) rolls into a group, the boop power scales with the number of people hit within, say, 250 msec. So he can launch a single player, but a group of players split the energy transfer between them. They could get

I just had flashbacks of my time with THQ back in 2012... 

Has anyone done the legwork to see how this compares to just purchasing meat from the store? I have a family of 4, so I assume the “48 Meal” deal means 48 meals for one person, 12 for 4. 12 meals-worth of meat for nearly $300 a month does not sound like a good deal, even if you get “free” ground beef with it.

Has anyone done the legwork to see how this compares to just purchasing meat from the store? I have a family of 4,

But I hear if you go to here training ground at her mansion, complete the training course in 2 min or less, do a double somersault over the candle stick holder and dive into the pool, you’ll unlock her nude skin and see her bewbs. True story bruh.

I think this accusation is a stretch at best. 

I’ve never met a person that loves the taste of boots quite like you. 

That means they do care. In fact, the statement means they know they shouldn’t care, but they do. 

I am giving you a star for using “couldn’t care less” properly. It drives me up the wall when people say “I could care less” when they mean “I couldn’t care less”. That, and this obsession with using mathematical terms incorrectly, like saying something is “25 times less than Y” or is “25 times smaller than Y”.

If you are looking for a fun dining experience, I Toro Bravo is always doing something cool. A friend and I went there while they had this 14 course gastronomy thing going on and it was amazing.