
I am not much of a Gin person, but they distill an AWESOME Gin called No 1 Gin. It is a dirty gin (little cloudy) but it tastes awesome, as far as Gins go.

I am partial to Blue Star, but they are over priced. A once in a while indulgence.

1) Stay Away from Voodoo donuts. Blue Star is better, and you won’t have to wait in line for an hour to eat a cough drop flavored abomination.

What you’re doing is called “projection”, you are projecting your own experiences over the story, then using that as “proof” of wrong doing. To put it in another light, imagine if someone accused you of mugging them, then another person said “I’ve been mugged before and I can tell you this person is absolutely, 100%


I think people need to stop viewing crowdfunding as an investment (it is not an investment, it is an unsecured loan at best. Investments imply there is a chance of reward\return, with crowdfunding there is zero chance for this and all you are promised is overpriced merchandise compared to what it will sell for at

Obvious troll is obvious. Go away you fascist. Good job using your thesaurus to find words that still convey you racist ideals without overtly using racist vocabulary. (You didn’t use the N-word once, which is probably a personal record of yours. Gotta take the victories where you can I guess)

To be fair to the cop who was responding, he has to investigate reports of “trespassing”, as that is part of the job. Simply talking to the woman involved and seeing her entry card should have stopped that shit in its tracks. A simple “Ma’am, I apologize for interrupting your day but do you have a keycard?” “Yes” “Ok

Maybe he named his ship Slave to honor his brethren who were slaves from birth to early, accelerated age death. The galaxy learned to fear Boba’s “Slaves” instead of associating the word with subjugation and perceived weakness.

Wow, I remember ordering Pizza Hut Pizza just to get the MGS demo disc that had the intro snow area available for play. That demo blew, my, mind. Easily top 10 game of all time. It had awesome story full of interesting twists, game play mechanics that were revolutionary at the time, and an art direction that took full

This needs more likes.

Clap back!

Since there is a server component, I am curious if they will have “Mod” servers, or if they will let players run their own servers that allow modded gameplay.

You know what I would like to see? An Elder Scrolls game that takes place in an era that wasn’t medieval fantasy. What I mean by that, I would like to see it take place in the industrial revolution era of Elder Scrolls. Or even a space age Elder Scrolls. Something that pushes the series, just temporarily, out of the

I am actually for this. I do not need valve deciding for me what is moral, what is “acceptable”, etc. If a nazi wants to make a nazi game, go for it I say. Freedom is a double edged sword and sometimes you just have to suck it up and realize that horrible people will do and make horrible things and the only thing you

Don’t have babies. Full. Stop.

I think that may be the strongest closing sentence I’ve read from you Mike. (Can I call you Mike?)

None of the above. It is actually the ass cheek of a Saudi Prince that Jarod is simultaneously kissing. If there is one thing you can say about this dude, he knows how to be efficient. If you look closely you can see a stray Bannon hair coming from the bottom as well, as Jarod was pulling triple duty and was tea

You meant to be funny, but it came out as sage advice....