
Dumb comment is dumb. This is pointing out the hypocrisy of using sitting during a national anthem as a form of protest when months prior he was lambasting those who were using sitting during a national anthem as a form of protest.

Oh man, if hell existed you’d go to it for that reference.

Keep up the good fight, Mike. When I read this, in my mind I saw that moment when a Chef makes that kissing gesture after tasting a perfectly cooked meal.


Has anyone confirmed this wasn’t a piece of Pauly Shore performance art?

That is one helluva game of Fuck, Marry, Kill, Disown.

This is one of those moments where you link the sad Simpsons Bully Gif.

I prefer the term “think-meat” to “head-cabbage”. Just giving you options for the future.

You literally replied to one... but on to other things that don’t involve internet assholes defending other internet assholes! An asshole phalanx if you will.

I both agree and disagree. I believe the writers were constantly throwing shit at a wall to see what sticks, so most of the time the writers had no idea where a plot point was going, they just stuck it in to keep eyes glued to their show. JJ Abrams is kinda famous for that. Writing half a mystery after half a mystery

Cool story bro, but you didn’t include a link to your deviant art page... you must’ve forgotten. Please edit and include the link to your deviant art page (or wherever you store your awesome artwork).

This advise is only good for those of us who live without socialized medicine. In other countries, you just go to the damn doctor when you are sick. Only in America is “walk it off” sound medical, and financial, advice.

Witcher 3


Nice try, comrade.

I get where they intended to go, attempting to point out that the only reason Moore is even a contender is because of white privilege, but damn did they make that point in the most tone deaf “I’m, not racists, I have black friends!” way possible. This is one of those phrases that, when taken in context in a

Kudos on that play on words at the end. “2020 Hillary\Whomever - Let Hillarity Ensue” makes a great campaign slogan.

That is how justice works (ideally). Innocence is presumed, guilt has to be proven.

An allegation, even a passionate one, does not prove guilt.