Whenever I install something, there is always one stud required. ME.
Whenever I install something, there is always one stud required. ME.
Whenever I install something, there is always one stud required. ME.
Whenever I install something, there is always one stud required. ME.
I get that, but it is dumb. That is like quoting a movie critic for saying a “It’s Great!” when what he actually said was “It’s Great! If you are into piles of steaming feces!”. In the context of the article it comes across as air quotes. You know, that thing people do when they say stepped pyramids is “smart” or…
Can I ask why predatory is in quotes? It is predatory. Just as predatory as the microtransactions in those crappy phone games that let you avoid the 24 hour timer for just .99! It is a beast that feeds most on the weakest of those among us and motivates children to steal from their parents one dollar at a time (or…
Great click-bait. 10\10, would advertise here again.
FINALLY! Someone I can quote Clone High with. I try to drop the “Say. WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-T.” line all the time, but literally no one I have ever met has a clue what I am referencing. That show was amazing. I remember always laughing my ass off at the “in between” jokes. Like how the school always rioted after a…
So in your eyes, the “industry” is one big organization that shares intimate and embarrassing details about those on the “in” with everyone? Or is it more likely that people at the upper echelons are covering for their cash cows while those below are just trying going to work as usual? I am in no way excusing Piven’s…
So in your eyes, the “industry” is one big organization that shares intimate and embarrassing details about those on the “in” with everyone? Or is it more likely that people at the upper echelons are covering for their cash cows while those below are just trying going to work as usual? I am in no way excusing Piven’s…
What part of “taped before allegations came” do you not really understand? Do you expect the show runners to consult their Ouija Board before asking a guest to come on? Especially when the interview is little more than a puff piece to shill for some product.
And I mean THQ, not THQ Nordic, which is probably a much better company.
I worked on these titles at THQ. I can confirm that nothing, NOTHING changes year over year under the hood. They palette swap some UI elements, maybe add a character or two, but everything under the hood is the same. If only I could show you the “Waived” bug pile. It makes the mountains standing over Moria look like…
You can have twin engines with a single, or multiple exhaust ports. Just like a car with 8 cylinders can have 2 or 1 exhaust pipe. Twin Engines provide the power, exhaust ports allow the ship to utilize that power.
Here is what I don’t understand. By chasing this guy, police put people in mortal danger. We have countless resources for surveillance available, why are we not watching and waiting? I mean, all chasing this guy does is crank the intensity up to 11 and put people at risk as he panics. I mean, he is in a dodge hellcat…
To me, this sounds like they may have upped the earned currency rates for you early reviewers, and likely for the first month or so the game is out, then will scale back those numbers in about a month, once all the good reviews (critic and user) hit the marketplace. Mark my words, in about a month (up to 3 at the…
This.... actually makes me want to upgrade from my Pixel to this... The Pixel is honestly the best phone I have had to date. I stopped iPhones at around the 5, am not a fan of the how locked down the system is. Was a diehard Galaxy fan, had the Note 5 for a while. Traded that in for the Pixel, best trade I’ve made.…
Mostly because he is just like every right-winger I have ever met (admittedly anecdotal, but it is my experience) that simply cannot empathize with his fellow man and only, ONLY ever realizes their mistaken ideology when it bites them in the ass personally. So no, I do not have much love for the guys whom finally…
Listen, I will take all the help we can get to get some just common sense gun control laws on the books, but I am not about to throw a “coming out” party of sorts for the dude. He’s got a long way to go till he is square. He deserves a half-hearted golf-clap at best.
omfg... “Niggananigans”
I fucking love this article.
Fuck, why couldn’t they just leave this easter egg alone? Seriously, imagine how awesome of a tribute this would have been if we stumbled upon it the “correct” way. Now the surprise is ruined.
I am not a professional writer with an “editor”. /shrug