
Is it me or has the editing of this sight really gone down since Gawker was bought? I mean the occasional error is always going to make its way through, but at least it seemed someone would actually read the articled before hitting submit in the past.

They are talking about parts wear and tear and major part replacement\services most cars need when driving for 300k miles. Transmission repairs\replacements\etc. Drive train maintenance, water pumps, etc. all that stuff that supports an internal combustion engine. Not just oil\fluid changes. Unless you think current

There are only two ways to interpret this in my mind. Either he was threatening to kill everyone in the car regardless of race (“But you’re not black. Remember, we only kill black people. We only kill black people, right?” is basically stating this) or he was being truthful and he is assuring the people in the car

I think the easiest explanation as to why a design flaw like this found its way into a production vehicle was that they simply had no time\resources to double check the initial design, nor to fix it after it was found. We were rushing to build vehicles and what not for the war effort. I doubt any testing beyond the

You missed a YUGE opportunity.
“Nobody puts baby in a corner!” - The line you should have lead with.

Death by snu snu.

Looks like she was squirtin’ from that hurtin’!

She should have tightened up her ring game. You can’t let your guard down like that, otherwise you risk letting a whopper through.

I fucking HATE that this made me laugh. Well played sir. Well. Played.

This seems to be a recurring problem with Japanese developed games. Metal Gear Rising had similar bugs where if your frame rate was not spot on perfect, you would miss QTE’s and you would be unable to complete the game. Specifically on the last boss, there is a QTE that is necessary to defeat him, but if your

That would be one toothy, shit covered blowjob.

Now playing

Of all the things you could complain about with this guy, he raped his ex-wife, he is a perv who uses his family fortune and influence to sexually assault women, he peeks at underage women in the Miss Teen USA changing rooms, he is utterly incapable of completing a sentence that doesn’t devolve into word salad, he is

I never said all. I said it attracts those people like moths to a flame, much like how micro-transaction games or televangelism attracts the poor and vulnerable. That does not mean every single person who participates or subscribes to those things are poor vulnerable people.

Dude, here is an example. You are being fired upon, your buddy next to you fires some shots at where he thinks the enemy is. His gun is empty, he looks up at you and says “THROW ME A CLIP!”
Do you:
A) Understand that he is asking for ammo, specifically something that will allow him to load that ammo into his weapon

I get that, just like it is ok for those free apps to have micro-transactions. The problem is those products naturally target people with poor impulse control.

In the same way, these streamers (whether they mean to or not, I am not saying this is their intent, it is just a consequence of it) “open up” to people who

What a twisted form of entertainment. Seriously. Streaming is really, really twisted. I get watching games get played, after all millions of people spend billions of dollars to watch people hit balls with sticks IRL so I get wanting to watch someone play a game competitively, but the whole “I am your friend,I

Bombs float on water

First: Read between the lines man.

Ah, a fellow QA Engineer. Cheers.