
Imagine if this happened to an overweight female athlete. There would be so much outrage over “body shaming.”

If you're going to include tiger you need to include A-Rod since both were juicing. At least A-Rod didn't cheat on the field.

Do you really care about women's basketball or are you just harvesting internet karma from gay hipsters who live in Brooklyn?

It’s amazing how everyone on kinja here has the exact same opinion on everything! It's almost like they don't think for themselves...

Kevin draper loves black and mixed race people. Hates white peiple but totally isn't racist.

Stop shaming them.

Deadspins obsession with Stanton is borderline sexual

How is this decent hockey? A team of 13 year old boys would crush them.

Being a fan of women's sports is now part of being a sjw.

Triggered. Programming is part of the patriarchy.

They're so strong, beautiful and brave!!!

Someone got paid to write this. What a world.

Kevin Draper loves black men.

I’m a 6'3" dude. My height puts me exactly eye level of those spears at the ends of umbrellas.

Whenever there’s no chemistry on the first date, I just tell the girl i have a 9" cock and things immediately change.

Let Tom Ley punish them! He’ll give those rascals a good spanking.


They shouldn’t have been admitted if they were too dumb for normal coursework. Pay athletes but force them to meet the same admission standards as everyone else.

There it is! Your only rejoinder: if you don’t agree with the narrative you’re racist. You can't even come up with an original thought. You’re a life failure. You should kill yourself. There are enough emasculated, underachieving liberal hipsters in this world.

Wow you're really trying hard to be relevant by sucking up to the liberal cunts who run this site.