Fred McGriff's Stylist

I use the light theme because it looks, at first glance by someone on the subway, more like slack or stride or anything else that isn’t a messaging app for my video game guild.

That looks like Fette Sau, where, it’s important to note, you generally order a heaping pile of the different options [by weight. i.e. 2 lbs of brisket, 1/2 lb of broccoli salad (don’t knock it ‘til you try it), etc.], which are sold on serving trays so you and your dining companions can portion out for yourselves.

+1 Accidental Grounding

I figured there would be a Berghain game eventually, but I have to admit: ‘espionage/strategy’ was not the genre I expected.

This is almost farcical.

Part of me says, ‘they’re being extra-cautious to cover themselves from even the scent of a debate over allocation of funds. There’s no way they’d actually take advantage of this clause as it reads.’

Then there’s a part of me that asks, ‘...but what’s stopping them?’

A replicator. The rest will take care of itself.

To the folks saying that this is too important to leave off the site: some people want to see the gossip, dirt, and controversy (and regardless of the severity or horrors of the actions, this still qualifies as gossip) on this particular site, and some don’t. Ultimately, people will vote with where they spend their

In fairness, I could see why they wouldn’t want to inject a bunch of DMX lighting commands/logic into the code for their shooter.

A gift? For me?

Brb. Laughing.

For some context: Fox paid $425 for the 2018 & 2022 World Cup rights (before the US missed). Makes that look like an absolute steal.

Temba, his stars increased.

Now if they would just give him a voice line that wasn’t completely devoid of fun...

No, the intervention of government in free markets in support of an externally defined ‘best interest’ of the people is a highly subjective matter and is by no means “literally one of the[ir] responsibilities.” You can pick the side of that argument you feel is just, but it’s an argument.

Well, now I feel dumb for not paying attention. After all, that’s how these things work, isn’t it?

There’s also the matter of that giant red FIRE button in the bottom right corner. I don’t wanna call it a giveaway, but I certainly hope our folks have some more granular control than ‘explosion or no explosion.’

If you wanna be invincible, that’s what Mayhem is for.


It’s the purple/yellow combo with minimal shading. It makes her ult look very Winamp Visualization-y.