
It has been on the front page of the newspaper here.

I once got gum thrown in my hair for standing and dancing (in the cheap seats!) and a Bare Naked Ladies concert. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO THROW MY KRAFT DINNER WITHOUT STANDING?!?!?

Doodle version, aka, PERMAWET:

Absolutely. That person has a treat or a ball. I’ve seen that face a thousand times.

My boy is a completely neurotic, OCD control freak with food and impulse control issues. In other words....completely my dog! ;)

That story on TAL kept me in my car, despite it being on the podcast (so I could pause!) i just couldn’t stop listening.

You have my utmost sympathy. I have a friend with the same diagnosis.

My sister and I learned how to speak Russian on the off chance we’d meet one of the Russian 5, though I was more into Larionov and she liked Koslov. Federov came off as a total jerk face.

I am sorry we as adults haven’t made the world a better place for your daughter. As someone who experienced sexual assault and gender based violence before I was 18, I have been experiencing a lot of reactive trauma in recent weeks.

I am speaking for myself, lol.

Lol, I am not a guy. I have been on the, end, i guess? of a couple of pretty big ones. They don’t work for everyone. It was pretty hard to have sex.

Giant dicks aren’t all they are cracked up to be. It makes it difficult to actually enjoy sex.

*speaking from experience


This made my freaking day. I saw the tweet almost immediately, and I was floored. Then to see the news jump on it, I was laughing my ass off. This was some well done tweeting.

hahaha, specialized stars for you.

I actually ripped a pair of speedplay cleats in half trying to unclip while falling. Then I switched to Look pedals, and have never been happier.

No, I think it’s fair that I didn’t get a chance to vote for Hillary or Bernie, because I am not a registered Democrat. I also don’t get to vote for any Republicans that I prefer, and g-d knows there’s definitely more influence I’d like to wield in that arena, coming from the land of Focus on the Family.

I don’t think

I used to work in a law enforcement photo lab. It is definitely not something you forget. Gallows humor is an actual thing.


Always with the tiny hats.

Whatcha drinking?

Sorry, Kinja fail.