
I am so sorry to hear this. He looks like a sweet sweet boy.

I am so sorry for your loss. Kelloggs/Kelly looks like an absolute sweetheart of a bastard cat. The kind that forces you to love him. Thank you for loving him.

(exactly. I always forget that this is an unknown thing to people.)

I was still in the middle of surgery when I tried to walk out.

Your nurse deserves a punch in the face.

I’m also an opioid allergic 4 teeth victim! *high five*

When I got mine out, I woke up from the anesthetic, and tried to walk out of the room. Yay for being a ginger.

Am I the only one who read that and said “Lorena McKennit?”? Yes? Ok, I’ll show myself out. #damnoldpeople

It’s O’Malley.

Glad for these links. My tv died today.

That’s what my cat’s results were with this photo:

My cat got Shiba Inu, also, not incorrect in the description.

This is hilarious, because my husband likes these sorts of curly dogs. Apparently, he has a type, and I am one of those type.

Also, I tried to upload my dog:

I loved every single minute of Bey’s new video, of her teasing the performance on instagram, and of the performance itself.

I don’t even know what to say to the people on my facebook today who are posting pictures of KKK hooded thugs saying “Superbowl Halftime 2017".

I don’t know understand the black guy posting a

I would love for Michelle Obama to be my spirit animal, but I would never, ever, ever be that cool. I am more like Jimmy Fallon as a cardigan wearing mom. But I love to dance, and do it like no one is watching (while in my home, privately, where my dogs won’t rat me out!)

10/10 I’d visit.

(also, PS - I am older than the people claiming that they are in their 30s and feeling skeptical. Maybe I just DGAF about what is cool, and like what I like, and that thing I like is dance. Carry on.)


I’ll add (because I always want to get in on a dance conversation) that it has taken me a long time and many replays of Silento’s video to get the exact correct positions and movement down for the Whip and NaeNae. I was a dancer for 12+ years doing ballet (mostly) and modern (occasionally). Dance is hard, and

I’m sympathetic. I’m here in the 303, and could not care less about sportsball. I am fucking annoyed as hell by all the fireworks, though, bc they are making my dogs super super anxious. And seriously, orange? Worst color ever. No one looks good in it. Hell, I’d be a Raiders fan just for the quality black & silver.

Me too. My throat closed up with tears.

Hell yes. That outfit was everything.