Same. Just gotta file the information away for when I get home from work!
That instagram photo is 100% screaming 17 year old girl. Widen the eyes so they appear bigger, look away to play coy, lightly purse the lips, lay down so your tits start gravitating towards your face, take photo from above to avoid any double chins or shadows, smoosh your boobs together with your upper arms to pop…
More like Van Der PEEN, amirite ladies?
Arghhh! I get this all the time. “But, you are such a beautiful person! You’re funny, you’re smart, everyone likes you.”
Look of the night though was Kacey Musgrave’s performance garb:
I had a big argument over the gun control with my boyfriend yesterday. He was arguing with someone online (fuck!) that it wasn’t a gun control issue but an issue of mental health services. He brought it up to me afterwards, I guess he was hoping that I would validate his opinion, and wasn’t pleased when I said “I…
Looks like backers picked the Wong game to fund.
i’ve never had enough money to spend on ONE vacation to go to some other country, much less have vacaTIONS
I've spent less than that on vacations to other countries.
Congrats! I am still a virgin at 27 for a number of different reasons (right now the main one being that my boyfriend lives 4000 miles away, womp womp) and I’ve built up a lot of anxiety over the years about sex because I think the longer it goes, the more pressure you put on yourself. I’m so glad you had a good time…
WOW! That’s a lot, and a lot of great advice I will try and put into practice. I copy/pasted it onto my computer’s notes for when I need a little reminder. I can get down on myself pretty easy, so advice/positivity helps bunches.
I talked a couple weeks ago about my weight loss (92 pounds now... huzzah!) but I also lost something else just last week: my virginity. I’m 31 and had been practicing abstinence. I wasn’t saving myself and didn’t have any hang ups about sex apart from some body image issues, I just wasn’t interested in casual sex and…