Perhaps the names refer not to the vehicle configurations but the seatbacks.
Perhaps the names refer not to the vehicle configurations but the seatbacks.
It is, it’s just very slow.
You have more faith in America than I do.
You know things are fucked when there are only a dozen Sentras left in the entire region...
Define end-of-life for an EV.
This is Musk’s new defense, “Everybody knows FSD doesn’t work yet.” Which, honestly, should be true if people were not so damned stupid.
You wouldn’t be upset that the $10,000 feature you bought wasn’t ready after 5+ years? If there is much more delay peoples patience is going to run out ---long before 20 years.
In this case it’s really easy since I already avoid “* Mitsubishi” dealers.
I’m a Tesla M Y owner without FSD (because I’m not drinking *all* the koolaid), but this is and has always been a huge scam and I can’t wait for the class action lawsuit that does absolutely nothing and gives the gypped owners pennies on the dollar back in recompense while making the lawyers billionaires.
My only advice on this is to remember which dealers marked stuff up like this and never give them your business.
“Some designs are so stupid, so utterly lacking in any commonsense, you wonder how on earth it got built in the first place.”
I apologize for how badly Kinja’d this post is. Trying to delete duplicates removes all of the pictures, so there you have it.
I think they started selling FSD in 2016, theres going to be cars which are going to hit end-of-life soon without getting the originally promised feature. That has class-action written all over it.
I mean, that isn’t how liability works. You don’t need to “consent” to Joe Shmuck going into a Dodge dealership and buying an 800 horsepower Demon, even if he has no idea how to drive the thing and presents an imminent danger to everyone in a 3 mile vicinity of his home. There’s really nothing about Tesla’s fake self…
The subscriptions make a tad bit more sense than the outright $10k. That $10k only applies to the car you buy it for... so if you’re sitting in your 2020 Model S, still thinking one day you may have “Full Self Driving”, there’s a good chance you’re going to need a new car by the time that happens (if it happens), at…
All of this self driving car stuff is just dumb. This problem has been solved and it’s called light rail. If we took the same money that is being sunk into the autonomous car sector and put that in public transport we’d be way better off. How about instead of reinforcing decades of automobiles being the only way to…
Anyone who’s paid for FSD is an idiot who deserved to be ripped off.
well, well, well, time for piggyback ECUs to make a comeback...
The last time Germans had an idea this bad their country got bombed, invaded and partitioned for it.