
While walking through a parking lot recently, my wife saw a TJ parked next to a JK (two door). She asked, “why’s the newer one twice the size of the older one?”
“... Not sure I can explain it completely, but suffice it to say Jeep had regulatory incentive to make it bigger”
“That’s dumb”

All these ridiculous formulas and regulations lead to perverse incentives like this, because no matter what side of the ocean you’re on, politicians are afraid of the words “carbon tax” which would accomplish the same thing both more efficiently and with more choice for consumers.

It would run out of fuel after 1/4 mile.

And this wasn’t because it sounded too much like Blues Clues? 

Going 300mph in a car built in a shed. Or, 331mph. Even if they had made that speed, does anyone really care? Who looks at Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bugatti, Koenigsegg...but would rather have one of these because of top speed? I suppose that customer is out there, but fuck them for having such shit supercar taste. 

So, they’re a “small time” manufacturer that couldn’t bother to spend $10k to get a proper verification and just depended on a average  GPS race data recorder?

So they wait for everyone to forget their news story and now admit they lied so they can get in a “we broke 300” story a second time? Hard pass on any claims coming out of SSC, not going to believe it if they told me they broke 60mph.

They did

Yes, tires to the fourth power.

I like to switch out to winter tires in the winter, even though many think it’s overkill or too expensive. The winter tires help avoid accidents and stop you quicker. They also help you drive faster, but you can’t because everyone else is putzing around all nervous and slow on their all-seasons.

Same song, different verse over here. I always bought decent tires, usually stuck with the OE tire or a Cooper, until I needed tires on my E550. I threw some Michelin PS4 all seasons on, and the superiority to the OE continental contiprowhatevers was apparent within the first mile. The positive experience persisted

I usually go for the “decent but not too expensive” tires until I splurged on some Michelin’s the last time out on our SUV. Life-changing, even on a non-performance car.

Not a fan of these to begin with so was at 51% “ND” / 49% “NP” before reading the article. Then read the number “10" right before “owners” in the opening paragraph, and the 49% of “NP” disappeared immediately.

In my very early 20's I was engaged to a model. She was stunning and I (just a poor working schmo) felt like a King when we went out and all the heads turned to see her and wonder how I managed that. I soon found out (after living together) how much maintenance she required to look that way and that her entire life

I know the maintenance requirements on these things aren’t optional, and parts are going to be expensive, but if there were a reason to open an artery in my savings account and bleed money on a depreciating asset, I could let out a pint or two on this. It looks good.

I can afford to keep a 20 y.o. Corvette on the road for another 20 years. This Maser would bankrupt me in 2 years. USA! USA! USA!

Why do both front airbags look like something is wrong. They both look almost like someone did a shit job covering leftover with saran wrap.

Cambiocorsa Maserati or automatic Corvette? The Corvette, unless you like the idea of a $5k transmission service that might last 15k miles.

You see it a lot in security cam footage released to the internet. They tend to not know how to extract the footage from the security system itself so just film the video with their phone. Almost always there’s people talking in the background or reacting to it.

Maverick ST Maverick ST Maverick ST.