
Meh, it could’ve been much worse—be like the Dodge Ram Daytona pickup:

Serves briefly as a boat, in the same way Oceangate’s ship served briefly as a submarine.

I don’t care what the DOT says: a three-wheeler (whether the double wheels are in front or back) is not a motorcycle.

too much air i the tires.  not necessarily a tesla fan but too much air could possibly hinder more capable off roaders. 

I would buy it, I guess, but the full rear seat center console makes it a no-go for me because of the dog. Oh well, I’m sure one of you dogless Jalops will be able to pick it up on the cheap.

Honestly at this point they should just open-source the code base... it would be the right thing to do for the people stuck with these things

Yesterday, I saw one of these on AutoTrader for around $13K. It’s gone today.  I don’t know if I would but a 2023 electric SUV for that price is kind of compelling.  Run it until it bricks and call it a day.

I guess I just have one reason then. But it’s a good reason lol

Isn’t that too low?  That’s like how much the batteries are worth.

1. Apply gas guzzler tax across the board.

At that price, you could buy a spare for repair.

Sports cars are seen as the devil by Carb and EPA. Sedans are seen as a chore by suburban moms, compact econo cars are not manly enough for Chad and his 2 bag of mulch he buys in his 100K$ King Ranch. Wanna change it, make a weight tax that goes directly to the infrastructure. Anything over 4000lbs and each subsequent

Yup, number one turn off for me is Musk. Close second is the cars are inherently dangerous and I will never ever buy any car that replaces basic controls that should be used intuitively and without needing to divert eyes off the road with a touchscreen control

But then you get the stock, bland Corvette interior and it ruins the vibe.

It’s horrible, but in a good way.

Recycling a finished product in good shape is wasteful at this point. Breaking down for spare parts is more ecological, preventing more energy use, raw material use and any generation of pollution.

Do you really think a super-rich entitled autistic white South African dude who grew up during the apartheid era and who’s family wealth came from mining really gives a darn about the black kids doing his work? Really?

didnt a recently departed writer for jalopnik just post this on twitter saying

Reading this feels like being used to a 5-speed manual, then switching to a 4-speed manual car. Sometimes you’ll miss having a 5th gear and saving a bit of gas while going a bit faster...not the end of the world, but still, feels like a downgrade. I’ll take the missing 5th gear it as a jalop sign of the impending doom