
Do you really have to come post this drivel on every EV article...? No one gives a shit, man. It charges ultra fast. So ok, 30 minutes instead of 5. Get over it.  Or don’t buy one, who cares.

Might as well stab him in the eye, that would be less painful than charging!

Rory was close, but I’d go older with an R107 Mercedes SL. For $25K you should be able to find a well sorted one that will be reliable for at least a year. And prices on these are on the upswing, so you may be able to sell it for profit.

You can add 200 miles of [real-world] range in 22.5 minutes when you go from 5-80% charge.  That will give you a solid 3 hours of drive time until the next stop.  Assuming you left the house with 100% charge you would do 4 hours in the first stint and 3 hours for each stint afterwards.  Doesn’t sound like a horrible

The only metric of a fun road trip is not “I can fill up in under 5 minutes”

Not everything is about “making good time”

Oh my god, an extra 25 minutes outside of your car every three hours, what a horrible imposition.

Fuck it.

Source: I used to sell Buicks.

The estate will have to pay.

My head went straight to Boxster after seeing the criteria here. It’s the most joyous automatic convertible you’re going to find, full stop, and $25k is a healthy amount to get one in good shape. Its depreciation shouldn’t be nearly as bad as the Merc or BMW.

So you must have a huge bladder or drive with a pee bottle.

Man, these are some boring convertibles. She should get a Boxster or a 996 Cabriolet.  

I can take a Taycan across the country right now in under two days if I pushed.

ive not been a fan or roller. i dont see quality or luxury. i think bentley and mercedes are the pinnacles of the segment. a roller is just a vehicle with some seats and a steering wheel.

I’m going to go out on a limb and say I liked it, I liked its looks and the unabashed way it harkened back to the original. If they had built it, they wouldn’t have been able to keep them in stock. But it would have been stupid and people would have bought them and wasted them, being wasteful with them every minute

I haven’t been able to take it to a skid pad or big enough parking lot to mess with that slider too much. You can get it to kick out the back on on the full rear setting though.  Its still very much electronically controlled though.

Dammit, beat me to it.

GaWkEr media. To soon?

Complete nice price. The drivetrain won’t win any performance awards, but it’s solid and reliable. For 2k, and seemingly rust free, shut up and take my money.

Easy NP, but personally I’d hold out for the wood sided Buick version: