
It’s fine to mention the sales of ZEV credits, but why not also mention SBC (Stock Based Compensation) is why they made less profit?  If you exclude SBC, they would have made a profit WITHOUT ZEV credit sales.  Note that SBC doesn’t actually cost the company any dollars.  But it has to be reported as it does dilute

Yeah, I never got that logic. They only get credits because they sell BEVs (they get none if they don’t), and having the credits allows them to sell the cars at a lower price than otherwise (which they obviously account for in setting pricing). People don’t exclude other tax credits from the profits of automakers, not

LOL...the level of ignorance on this site is actually entertaining - to a limited degree, of course.

Only until the union fights to get the pay reinstated.

So probable penalty... 1 day without pay or loss of a vacation day.

Racing the exact same car is the mostest dumbestestest part about all this.

Found the guy who works at a dealer. 

So we should keep pointless jobs around that make stuff more expensive for everyone else around, just to keep people employed? I mean, the service jobs that dealerships provide will still be there, along with other value add jobs; but why should we keep a full staff of people who only add cost and friction to the

I agree with him. I’d be happy if 90% of car salesmen were out of that particular job. 

Seinfeld Quote: “But the reservation keeps the car here”

I have a car rental reservation for August in Hawaii which I made back in January for a decent price (for Hawaii). Now when I check the price, it is double what I originally bookedI’m more worried there wont be a car when I show up even with a reservation.

Wow everyone here seems like they’d rather die than turn 70. “At least they died doing what they loved, better than rotting in a nursing home!!”

The police should set up a combination DUI checkpoint/mental health screening checkpoint there; there’s no way those people aren’t drunk, high, or severely addled.

That's horrifying and indicative of some mistakes by the organizers.  Two fatal crashes in as many days points towards inadequate safety equipment in the cats and insufficient course recce and preparation.  Racing is dangerous but after over a century we know how to mitigate risk. 

LOL. My oldest (6) is this to a T. She will eat raw salmon in quantities that rival an adult and loves butter chicken but will not go near any potato product that’s not a french fry.

EDIT: I am NOT the “let’s criminalize” it guy etc.

Big oops.

I’m the “let’s criminalize it” guy 99.99% of the time, but calling the police to lie about getting hit by a car should get you arrested immediately.

And I don’t mean on paper. I mean when this happens police should come arrest you. It should be a priority to get people who are trying to weaponize the police via false

This article seems pointless. Only purpose to this article is to promote an idiot making baseless claims. Hope the money he made from all the extra views this article generated is shared with you.

The only full autonomous car belongs to Knight Industries, and even they are having big problems with their Automated Roving Robot prototype.

Those damn Cardassians!