
I’m going to preface this with: I’m not a Tesla owner or a fanboy.

“Three in the morning? In...

WBRZ found the device mounted to a pole outside across the street from McKinley Middle School. You’d think the cops would have found it first if it was such an effective tracking tool.

I would’ve slapped it to the bottom of an Amazon delivery truck  or even better yet a semi that was from out of state. 

Well they should know where to find it.

This is, in short, modern Cadillac, playing catch up to a rival that is years ahead of it

At what point in the cycle of powertrain-related recalls do we decide that maybe Kia doesn’t have its shit together?

Yeah, this was a strange statement. There are MANY other automakers that have far more catching up to do.

$59,990, making it a bit of a weird value proposition for buyers also considering a Tesla Model Y or Model X.”

Feels pretty weird that the Lyriq is $15k cheaper than the ELR.

Model Y? This looks way better and bigger, but it’s hard to tell. I think it would compete more and cost less than the Model X.

This is, in short, modern Cadillac, playing catch up to a rival that is years ahead of it

Now playing

Someone made a catchy tune that has the first 100 digits of Pi.

These are raw numbers - not “per x vehicles on the road”.

From 2017-2019, Tesla has more fatalities (62) in the US than Smart (32), Maserati(17), Roadmaster(17), Lamborghini (10), Spyder(10), Ferrari(9), Titan (4), Keystone(1), Rolls Royce (1) and Western. For comparision, Saab has 65, and Porsche has 93.
Keep in mind

Yeah, I didn’t comment on Torchinsky’s article, but I found it ironic that while defending himself from being biased against Tesla, he took it as fact that AP was being used here. It’s possible, but pretty far fetched, given the circumstances of the crash.

It was reported this morning that the fire chief at the scene disputed the 30k gallons of water, saying it only took a couple minutes to extinguish the fire.

Implying you’re more likely to die in a Tesla than in other cars? I’m pretty sure that’s false.. how about looking up some actual data instead of just spouting old opinions over and over every time somebody wrecks a Tesla?

Really, a *third* article on this subject when there’s still essentially no facts available to discuss?

A slideshow of peak muscle car eras.
Truly, we are breaking new ground not seen since the last Dodge corporate PowerPoint presentation.

Water pump and timing belt recently done, needs new head gaskets, turbo