Same lol, I’ve been stuck in the greys for like 3 years :(
Same lol, I’ve been stuck in the greys for like 3 years :(
Shiiiiiit...I can’t even get out of they greys, let alone have an entire article written in response to one of my comments... Da fuq...
YouTuber TeslaBjorn has the answers you seek.
I’m hoping this will become a slideshow...
2016 Nissan Leaf 30KwH battery with 15k miles on it, wife doesn’t drive far for work. Charge only with 110V and we have lost 3 bars of battery health since getting it used in 2017 with only 96 miles on its odometer. I will never recommend a leaf to anyone until nissan gets with it and uses active thermal managment for…
I don’t know why people are getting freaked out by the e-tron naming convention; Audi has previous form here with Quattro.
I'm calling BS. OK you live in this neighborhood show me a picture of the crash site four hours of water there should be an impression there.
“I’ve had it with this game! I’m going for a scuttle!”
Autopilot does not allow for crazy acceleration. Furthermore, on a non-divided highway autopilot is limited to 5mph over the speed limit. There have been cases where mapping data is wrong (not limited to Tesla, just in general where your GPS might say 60, but really it’s 50 as an example) and that could have allowed a…
that’s cool and all, but it’s a logistical nightmare and extra unsafe for firefighters. think about how close you’d need to be to have access to the port. not to mention that firefighters (who are not as well funded as police forces) would need new tools to use the port, and the flow channels would need to be…
This article is trash. Jalopnik used to be the place to go to get unbiased and informative car news. Sad to see that you all just waste your weekends trawling local news websites for Tesla crashes now.
Here’s a thought. Since we know that electrical pack can and will get breached and catch fire, why don’t they include a standard port on the car that fire crews can use to inject fire retardant or foam or whatever substance they settle on directly into the packs? They already have cut-through loops on the pillars to…
I know Jalopnik has a hard-on for shitting on Tesla but I don’t understand what Autopilot is being called out here. I pulled a map of the city and the only place where you find cul-de-sac there are in subdivisions where you have no business driving at speeds that would cause you car to be obliterated on impact.
I see two potential situations.
Many will blame Tesla for the crash, deaths, and subsequent fire. Seems to me that the driver and the tree played starring roles.
Gotta love that plaid interior.
Old cars suck! They’re dangerous and bad for the environment. They’re also always worse driving than I remembered. These days, whenever I get into an older car they feel so damn loud and slow. They should be relegated to the garage and left off the streets.