
I’ve said it before, but I’ll say it again... require a firearms safety insurance, whether it’s an individual plan or a rider on homeowners insurance or car insurance. It’s the conservative-friendly free market solution. The insurance industry is the best regulator of public safety when regulation by the government

Look, I’m not saying take away ALL the guns. All I’m saying is that if I need a license to operate a vehicle, I should require a license (and re-licensing every few years) to have a gun. Ensure that gun owners have training so that they know how to own and operate a weapon. Especially so they don’t end up accidentally

I’m kind of shocked though that they’re not going with emotional disturbance or something along those lines - he caught her in bed with another man (although from the reports I’ve heard, the other man was a friend who was staying with her platonically), he thinks she’s cheating, he goes nuts.

It’s a cover, nothing more. I have actually met a few people who became born again in prisons. The first step to redemption is confession - you have to be able to admit what you’ve done without excuse or equivocation. If you can’t do that, you can’t move forward. The “true believers” would tell you exactly what they

I am a defense attorney and you are 100% correct. His attorney has an obligation to provide a full and professional defense. Anything else, like this social media garbage, is not required and reveals the person to be opportunistic garbage. My job is to defend my client against the legal charges in court. Not serve

Excuse me....what?????Alright I’m out because I cannot deal with this today because he beat the ever loving shit out of her and wants to uses her rape fantasies as a

1.) First, good on the prosecution for going for an attempted murder charge and not merely assault.

Usually I’ll defend a defense attorney by saying that everyone has the right to a defense, and while true, this attorney is an utter piece of shit and sounds like a hateful, misogynist himself.

Good for him. I won’t speculate on his circumstances, but I will say I know people who have “used weed medically” but it can be a slippery slope if they’re not working with a doctor and they have other underlying problems. Don’t get me wrong, I smoke weed and I used to smoke a TON of weed in high school/college, but

Yeah that extra six or seven hundo really makes a difference when insurance costs thousands of dollars a year and you still have to pay hundreds or thousands in deductibles. Good job, asshole.

Um...I have pretty good coverage through my company, which requires that I pay just under $600 (about the cost of an iPhone) in pre-tax insurance premiums every year. But that’s not the cost of my medical insurance plan. That’s the portion of it that I pay. My company, which negotiates the plan, pays over $7,000 on my

Simple. Give up your iPhone.

I have a shitty Samsung flip phone. I pay $1700 a month in insurance premiums for my family. BECAUSE THAT ACTUALLY SAVES US MONEY ON HEALTHCARE.

As somebody who was able to get life-altering surgery to fix an injured hip thanks to ACA making sure pre-existing conditions were covered: screw you, Jason.

One of my Republican friends, a lobbyist, was dead set against the ACA. I mean they railed against it as if it was going to take a kid away. Due to a number of reason, that person is now using the ACA and views it as a life saver. Otherwise their family would have no health insurance.

You can’t listen to what the American people want, because almost all of them are ignorant about insurance.

Those are the christian god’s chosen people. If that narcissistic cunt wants them have iPhones AND health care, he will provide it to them. So, let them wait.

How are those economically anxious rust belters feeling now?