
I never said my open mind would be SOBER.

Ha ha ha! I do promise to keep an open mind when I do watch the film.

I totally get that. But if I was say, building my dream home from scratch (HA) I would, you know, not try and tell the builders how to do their job as long as they agreed to stick to the blueprint. It will be interesting to see how this film turns out..... just know that at her bridal shower she got (Read: registered and then acted surprised when she opened them) a bunch of terrrrrrible t-shirts bearing slogans about being engaged and then wore the crap out of them. We've all known this woman - she ain't fooling anybody.

I like a few of them addition to boatloads of smart, edgy, profound and artsy films. I feel like one would need to be more well-rounded taste and exposure-to-film wise if one was going to attempt to help produce a film, even if that film was based on one's own written "work."


I'd love to hear from her friends and family what she was like before the baby.

Ahhhhhh, right. Thanks for the reminder.

I'm had on-again, off-again bang times with a guy who is 28 which is 12 years my junior for 4 years now and I have a hard time relating to him. And he is on his own with a great job and bright future. 19??? I cannot even imagine communicating with someone that age.

OY, could James' favorite movie picks be any more basic and pedestrian????

I think you would win if this was a pissing contest. GET IT, GUUUURRRL.

I know you don't feel like it and I am not patronizing you but you are so young! And there are so many dating options out there for you! I am 39 and still very single. And options are quite limited unless I don't mind being someone's sidepiece (not for me) or dating someone freshly divorced who is still healing and

Sweetie, you are singing a song I know by heart. Mine also once tearfully gave me a "but I will never get mowwwwied/I would not be a good husband" speech shortly after we moved in together and then lo and behold, he met this woman 2 months later and they got engaged and married. And yeah it hurt like hell. Not because

You don't know me but I am compelled to tell you I broke up with my last boyfriend 6 years ago (knowing it meant being single again at the ripe age of the mid 30s) for the same reason. Even for the most minor problems that the both of us faced (let alone really rough ones of my own I was trying to work through) he

That's amazing. I got so close to hockey player interaction when one of my former clients did some work with one of the NHL teams. What a letdown. So close but so far. Every girl needs some goon sex once in a while...

Anyone else watching the new Margaret Cho show, 'All About Sex"? I'm not sure what to think of it quite yet. They all seem to be trying a little too hard. And the pace of the talking/topics seems super rushed. Maybe first show jitters/roughness? Also I am pretty sure the guest dominatrix on the show just skirted

Oh, I know. I long to be back to normal. THANK YOU for the nice wishes.

DETAILS?!!! Please~!

I met Jamiroquai back in 1997 and he was just as Jamiroquai as you would imagine.

You are LITERALLY a fucking genius.