Friend Zone

Well that makes sense. The Constitution is dumb as a rock and needs to be updated, badly. Whoever’s idea it was to call shots based on answers to a questionnaire needs to be fired. Not only that, who fills out questionnaires correctly anyway? Even the online ones about what kind of movies you see and phones you have

I’ve talked about this with friends and family for ages. Sometimes, no matter how logical and preventative an idea is, if it gets in the way of style people just won’t go for it. The guys don’t want to feel like dorks and the girls don’t want to mess up their hair. I always tell them “Ok, but a huge car crash is going

Random Knob on Internet = Harvard University

I don’t care about the census. Who cares about the census besides Trump? Trump cares about everything, that is he cares about nothing. The census is just a questionnaire. Questionnaires are boring and dumb. As far as I’m concerned as long as Trump is tied up with some questionnaire he’s not ruining everything else. 

It worked for less than a second and then failed. Safe to say it still requires a cable. I bet this thing sucks in wind too. I’m very disappointed.

Sacred is just another word for holy, though.

It took Harvard over a decade to develop a stick with rotor wings and a chip hanging off? And it has to be plugged in? 

I honestly thought that was David Stern or Ben Stein.

Well, yes. They need to be sovereign entities within the United States. Embassies of sorts, but the kinds without countries.

The problem with nitpicking is that it doesn’t work. For example, while it may be true that a fairly insubstantial amount of car accidents involve multiple rolls or even a single flip, two things are very substantial while considering this:

Finally someone who gets it.

No doubt it is not fairly distributed at all. Usually it goes only to the most popular locations/cities. The rural folks in these areas are living in the 1600s still, in many cases. Then the disparity between the corporate ownership versus local family businesses is another roadblock. Plus you have many employees at

I’m not disagreeing with you, but we do give these countries billions of dollars in tourism monies. For example, it won’t be long before the DR is poorer and more destitute than Haiti. Tourism is drying up, and they will soon be in a much worse situation. Therefore, they will become refugees on boats to Mexico, and

So this I don’t understand. “Sacred” land? Isn’t that just more religiosity? There’s no such thing as “sacred” land. There is just land. Some of it is valuable, some not, some beautiful, some boring, and whatever else. But this is a losing argument for sure. “Hey but this land is sacred!” All you have to do is say “No

I think you’re poking fun, but the greatest danger during a car roll or flip is your head crashing through the side window and hitting the pavement. This assumes you’re wearing a seatbelt. If you aren’t all bets are off, ejection becomes a real possibility. A helmet isn’t a bad idea for car passengers. 

I was with you until you suggested that people are able to prevent their own injuries. Clearly that is not the case. People need institutional help in that regard, be it the stadium or the government.

You are not wrong.

He channeled Obama a lot better than Beto did. 

Apparently he doesn’t. Also, it’s still basically legal in some states and used to be legal everywhere.

So just to wrap up the “car issue” real fast because it keeps coming up - ambulances are cars too. So are firefighter cars and police units. To a hammer, everything is a nail. And so it goes with the car issue here.