This shit doesn’t just smell fishy, it smells like a goddamn cannery. In one fell swoop, the Dallas PD gets to murder a key witness, set up a potential retrial for Killer Becky with the Elmer Fudd face and paint negroes as stupid.
This shit doesn’t just smell fishy, it smells like a goddamn cannery. In one fell swoop, the Dallas PD gets to murder a key witness, set up a potential retrial for Killer Becky with the Elmer Fudd face and paint negroes as stupid.
This is stupid. If you’re claiming that you’ve never in your life told anyone anything you would feel uncomfortable later finding in the pages of a tabloid, you’re a liar.
Eh, posting things to a locked, private social media account restricted to trusted friends and family is not meaningfully different from sending an email to a private mailing list, or just talking to a group of close associates around a dinner table. It’s fine to expect those people to keep what they hear private, and…
You quaint, simple fool. You just don’t understand British soccer.
5 minutes from the blog being posted to victim blaming, solid work
Well thank god you’re not a celebrity, life would be so boring.
So many escalators I’ve been on have handrails moving at different speeds than the treads. One or the other is binding up somewhere.. but it feels dangerous as hell when you’re holding the handrail and realize your hand is slowly moving behind you.
Standing to one side is a thing, not just “in our heads”, really not sure why this is such a big issue, let people walk if they want lol, noone is pushing people off the escalator so they can walk up it
In my office building there are no regular stairs as an alternative. I don’t push past people, but I will always walk when the path is clear. I am a fast walker in general, and slow walkers really get my goat. I walk about a mile from my car to my desk, and most of that time is spent calculating how I will walk around…
The Otis Elevator Company even says that walking on the escalator is a safety hazard.
As a gay man, I’d like to apologize on behalf of our community to everyone who makes an effort not to be offensive, makes a slip-up, and gets pummeled to death by every queer person within range.
Pretty sure once you start sending certain ethic groups to “re-education” camps blindfolded where they are subjected to numerous injustices and likely have their organs harvested, while implementing a social credit system that punishes those who step out of line politically, kidnap someone who stands against the…
Looool Did you know that you can have either a capitalist or socialist system of commerce in government and also have fascist elements? It’s not 100% this or that, it’s like how National Socialists are fascists yet you’ll try to logic out of it because of the name
Hilarious you’re calling the Chinese Socialists? Is that a joke? I can’t tell. What do you think that word means?
This looks like a bad Spirit Halloween ad.
“Have merci.”
Dear Sarah,
It's a joke.