
I hate the Red Hot Chili Peppers with the heat of a thousand habaneros.

Ha ha ha, in the future MEN’S pants won’t have pockets either! Enjoy your no pocket pants men!

When Kim Richards starts looking at you like you are insane it is time to rethink your life choices, stat.


6 girls planned to beat the shit out of their classmate. This wasn’t a sad accident. This was murder.

You had me at “half polar bear, half tiger”

Charlie Jane, your movie reviews are *always* a joy to read!

This is a much more interesting movie when it’s about the ladies swooshing around in their amazing outfits, trying to one-up each other. (Or possibly seduce each other. Take your pick.)

A world where Kristen Stewart is supposedly the fairest of them all is not a world I want to visit.

Emily Blunt’s outfit on that throne looks like something out of Flash Gordon, and I fucking love it.

My dad is in the hospital at this moment. He's lucid but they're running all kinds of tests. He has pneumonia. It happened so fast.

Yep. And it’s often secondary infections, so you get a little bit better (well enough to, say, take a bike ride) and then get a fuck ton of a lot more sick.

I was at the show where he kicked Kim off the stage and it remains one of the top three things I’ve ever seen. (He pulled her up to dance and she WOULDN’T DANCE.)

Key & Peele plus kitten? I can’t wait to see this.

My best friend is a doctor and sometimes just to get her goat I say I’m going to do XYZ thing to get rid of my ‘toxins’ and she goes on a rant, and then I tell her I’m kidding and she snorts and we go for brunch and drink mimosas and eat ice cream. It’s great.

And Jenny McCarthy.

I don’t juice for fear of it cleansing away my Botox.

Would have been more karmic irony if it was a Native American woman, but still, fantastic choice. And much better than replacing Hamilton.

OMG the comments on facebook are already out of hand. “I’M GONNA REJECT $20s FROM NOW ON, NO WAY NO HOW I AIN’T USIN’ THAT.”

Counter argument: She is still Sansa. She definitely has no ability for statecraft, and neither did her parents. Sansa as queen is really just Littlefinger as ruler.